Slumber in the Dark

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Name: Seren Skywalker
Titles: Commando
Age: 20
Height: 6'0
Weight: 148lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

Crosshair's pov
I sat on the cold stone floor as Seren remained cuffed to the chair. Her head hung low
As she refused to look at me. "I'm sorry." She whispered in a quiet voice. Suddenly the door burst open revealing a Zygerrian in a lab coat who had google over his eyes. "Greetings Executioner, I am doctor Xhillus and I am in charge of your reprocessing. Please state your current condition." Xhillus proclaimed. I half expected Seren to answer, but instead, she sent a burning glare into his frame. "I'm not telling you shit." Zandra hissed out, quietly. "Hmm very well. The subject is hostile, disobedient, and resistant to commands. Let us begin the show." He smirked as he moved two metal prongs to the side of her head. Seren's eyes pinched shut as he injected a hypo needle into her neck. The doctor then flipped a switch and she barred her teeth as electricity danced down from her head into the ground below. "Increasing strength," Xhillus stated flatly. I watched as Seren's fingers curled around the armrest of the chair and her teeth barred together harder. "Increasing intensity." He nodded. I watched in horror as a scream ripped through Seren's throat, tears of pain coursed down her tanned cheeks as her brown hair fell in front of her face. I grimaced at the sight of her crumbling before me.

Time skip
Seren swayed from side to side as she slowly recovered from the shocks. Her chest heaved as her eyes fought to stay focused. The doctor left allowing a guard to swoop in and toss Seren out of the chair beside me. "See you tomorrow scug." The guard hissed out. Seren lay on the ground heaving weak breaths. Once the door slammed shut I scooted over to Seren and slowly touched her shoulder. "Seren...are you alright?" I asked about a sentence I had been saying a lot recently. She shook from side to side, I let out a huff as I carefully wrapped my arms beneath her. She let out a hiss as I pulled her up onto my chest. Her legs suddenly tensed and shook slightly. I knew she was about to go into aftershock and ceased. "This is going to be painful," I warned as I moved my knee up into her stomach to better hold onto her and my other leg up to support her back. Her body suddenly spasmed violently as she seemed to unwilling launch herself back. It stopped for a moment only to begin once again. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly to my chest as she shook in my arms, weeping from the pain and intensity of the aftershocks. After what seemed like hours and what probably was she finally stopped shaking and instead heaved in deep breaths. "Wha-" she began in confusion. "It's okay Seren," I assured. She looked up at me with dazed and confused eyes. Then a look of sadness spread across her eyes, piercing me at the same moment. "Why do you hate me?" She asked as she began to sniffle. I furrowed down at my saddened squad mate. "I don't hate you Ser-" I began when Seren interrupted me. "But you do, you act like I ruined your life and I am the worst person in existence." She wept out with tears in her eyes. My breath was caught in my throat at her accusation, I let out a sigh. I took into account her ruined mental state and wounded condition. I let my harsh façade drop and rubbed her shoulder with my hand. "I'm sorry Seren, I did not mean to make you feel like I hate you." I apologized. "Whatever I did, I'm sorry." She wept out as she clung to my torso. I felt her hands grip my back desperately as if they were her only lifeline to reality. Her weakened sniffles echoed off the walls of the small, dirty dungeon-like room. I frowned down at her and lifted my hand to her head. I gently ran my fingers through her hair the way Hunter liked it when he was hurt. As I expected her frame slightly relaxed and she seemingly deflated into my stomach. Our four legs were intertwined as she hung onto me for relief. "I just want you to like the others." She whispered quietly. I felt my chest tighten at her quiet plea and held her tighter. "But I don't like you like the others," I confessed after a moment of contemplation. I looked down to my chest where I observed Seren's sleeping figure. I smiled slightly at her trusting notion and leaned my head down upon hers. "It'll be okay Seren," I promised.

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