The Path Begins

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Name: Seren Palpatine
Titles: Jedi Knight
Age: 21
Height: 6'0
Weight: 135lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Kill count: 500,666
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

The next day
The Holocron chimed to life signally to the eating Jedi and Padawan that someone was trying to connect to their Holocron. "Should we pick up?" Reva asked. Seren looked at the younger Jedi and rose out of her feet. "I will answer it, just stay out of the way of the camera," Seren instructed as she carefully approached the Holocron. She activated the Holocron and was met with the sight of the Jedi Master Quinlan Vos. "Well Master Vos, this is surprising," Seren admitted. "Yeah, it is, especially since you are dead." Master Vos proclaimed. "Well, I can assure you I am very much alive," Seren assured. "MASTER VOS!" The young voice of Reva boomed excitedly. "Hahah hello my Padawan." Vos beamed. "You lived!" Reva beamed excitedly. Seren felt a twinge of pain as she looked down at the beaming Padawan, but knew deep down if this is what Reva wanted them she deserved it. "Seren, how did you manage to get ahold of Reva?" Vos asked suspiciously. "Seren and her friend Dogma came to the temple after the siege. Then they found me, Seren confronted her father, Seren nearly died, then we went to Batuu and now we are picking up padawan and younglings." Reva explained. Seren looked down at the same girl and frowned. "Do you know Master Vos?" Seren inquired. "Yes, Reva was supposed to be my new Padawan," Vos confirmed. Seren looked down at Reva with wide eyes. "Reva? Do you wish to presume your training with Master Vos?" Seren asked. Reva looked at Master Vos and then back to Seren. "Will you be mad?" Reva inquired. "No, I will not be a mad young one. Maybe sad that our adventure is over, but I will cherish our time together." She agreed. Boba watched from the sidelines and frowned. Reva looked back up to Master Vos and nodded her head fiercely. "Alright, I can send you these coordinates. Meet me here." The master said. "Master Vos, I also have another former Padawan by the name of Caleb Dume, would you like him as well?" Seren inquired. "You seem to be collecting them." The Jedi stared plainly. "Well of course, how can I not when the force guides me to them." Seren countered. "Very well. I will meet you shortly." Vos proclaimed. Seren nodded her head once and then turned towards the smaller Jedi. "We'll go on and get packing." She nodded. Reva hurried away, allowing Boba to walk forwards. "Is everything okay Boba?" Seren asked. "It'll be okay, I'll stick around," Boba assured Seren, causing the Jedi to smile at him before ruffling his stubble hair. "Thanks, Bobes I could use that." She admitted as she began towards the cockpit. "Well, not if you are going to call me that!" Boba protested.

Time skip
Reva waited anxiously for the appearance of the Jedi master, while Seren stood guard. She was uneasy by the fact that he had contacted them by Holocron, but was willing to risk it. The newly crowned Jedi knight paced, her fingers itching at her lightsaber, running through all the possibilities of this encounter. When a presence pulsed through the area, Seren straightened and scanned the horizon. Seren placed her hands on the hilt of her weapon and glared where she sensed the person. Just then the Jedi master emerged from the forest with his hands behind his back. "Master Vos!" Reva shouted as she rushed forwards into the master's embrace. "Hello, Reva." Master Vos beamed. Boba approached the red-haired Jedi and placed his hand in hers. Seren looked down at the boy and nodded her head once. "Where is the other padawan?" Quinlan asked. "Of course, he is in my bed. He is recovering from his injuries from his isolation on Kaller." Seren explained. "So you are a Jedi?" Quinlan inquired. "Yeah, ironic isn't it? Even as the dead princess of an empire I take the renegade path." Seren joked as she lead the master into her ship. She leads the man deeper into her ship, towards the sleeping Padawan. She opened the door and saw the boy still fast asleep on the bed. "I have hooked him up to an IV, but it will take time for him to heal." Seren affirmed. Quinlan placed his hand on the boy and observed every memory the boy had, from the attempted rescue of Hunter to Seren fleeing with the padawan and her careful medical work. "You took care of him." Quinlan gapped. "Well of course I did, he is a child. Who was forced to fight in a war, he had no part in starting." Seren nodded. "How did you find him?" Vos asked suspiciously. "Well I just kind of felt the force pulling towards Kaller then the force showed me where he was and I just went to him." Seren shrugged. He picked up the boy and began to walk out of the ship. "Come on, there are some people I want you to meet." Quinlan nodded. Seren looked down at Boba who took her hand firmly. Seren's fingers tightened around the boy's hand and began after him. Nalu released a roar from within the ship, bounded out of it, and chased after the pair. Thus causing the Jedi master to panic and draw his green saber. "Hey, easy. It's just my pet Nalu." Seren assured the Jedi master. "PET!" He snapped suddenly as he held onto the unconscious boy in one arm and a saber drawn. "Yes, I have a pet, Master Vos." Seren added. Nalu pushed up against Boba's side and purred loudly, then bounded for Reva. Who laughed loudly at the cat's friendly actions. "Are you aware of what that is?" Master Vos huffed. The cat laughed and ran at Seren again before using her head to scoop up the Jedi knight. Seren laughed out loudly, lied down on the cat's head, and scratched her chin. "You will want to leave that thing here, or control it." Quinlan huffed. "Alright Nalu, let's get your saddle." Seren pronounced. The cat purred at her and then hurriedly bounded up the gangplank of the ship. Shortly later both Nalu and Seren appeared. Seren held onto the horn of the cat's saddle. "Master, can I ride on her back?" Reva asked excitedly. Seren looked down at Reva, realizing this would be her last ride, Seren agreed. The young Jedi rushed forwards and held out her hand. Seren hoisted the girl up and then turned towards Boba. "You coming on?" Seren smirked. Boba rushed forwards and held out his hand. Seren smiled at the boy and pulled him onto the saddle in front of her and behind Reva. The cat rushed up to Master Vos and nudged his arm. "The village isn't too far away, but I have to warn you. The locals aren't big fans of her." vos proclaimed. "Why not, Nalu is so sweet." Reva beamed before she threw herself onto the cat's neck. "Where did you get Nalu Knight Palpatine?" Vos inquired. "I um got her on Zygerria." Seren answered. "Do you know what she is?" Vos inquired. "No." "She is an Akul, one of the only predictors Togrutas fear." Vos informed. Seren looked at her feline companion who gave a sideways glance at the former assassin. "Well, I guess we can both be feared." Seren affirmed as she scratched between Nalu's ears causing the cat to let out a loud purr. Soon the village emerged from the thick forest, and the locals stood at the wooden gates waiting for the traitorous visitors. Seren looked at the walking Jedi and felt his calmness seeping through the force. Accepting the locals to be trustworthy Seren relaxed and looked over the truths. They had various expressions of horror, awe, and shock at the sight of the Jedi. Seren jumped off the dark grey Akul and held out her arms for the two teens. Reva lept down into Seren's arms, who carefully set her down. Seren then turned to Boba who insisted he could get himself down from the feline's back. The boy jumped down from the cat and landed on his knees from the massive leap. "Follow closely Nalu." Seren instructed. The cat released a quiet meow and followed closely behind the red-haired Jedi. Master Vos lead the knight to an older togruta who smiled at the Jedi. "Greetings Jedi Knight Palpatine, I must say you are far more intimidating in person than what the masters described." The older woman proclaimed. "I assure you ma'am that she is as intimidating as Nalu." Reva smiled. Boba squinted at Reva and crossed his arms. "That's part of the problem Reva." Boba snapped. "Easy." Seren corrected. "I am Pav-ti Tano, I must say it is an honor to have you here Knight Palpatine. We have heard tales of your battles out here." Pav-ti proclaimed. "Yes well thank you, but the time for war is over." Seren nodded. "You are correct Palpatine, which is why I want you to meet our friends." Vos proclaimed. Seren nodded her head and placed her hand on Boba's shoulder, causing the boy to look up at her. Seren looked down at him and nodded her head who nodded back at the Jedi. A silent agreement was shared between the two. The Akul, Jedi, and Mandalorian all stayed closely together, while the padawan skipped happily ahead into a hut. The new Jedi ducked into the hut only to be met with the sight of Jedi Master Shaak Ti, Jocasta Nunn, and Master Beq. "Masters." Seren choked out in shock. "Hello there Knight Palpatine. I must say when Master Windu's Force ghost told me you had joined the order. I almost didn't believe it." Jocasta confessed. "Yes well, surprise." Seren countered as she shifted her weight and crossed her arms. "Now onto business." Vos pronounced. "Yes, it has become apparent that the Jedi order has failed." Shaak Ti stated causing Seren to laugh. "Well yeah, it failed. You guys taught kids to bundle up their emotions and not to embrace them." Seren reasoned. The Jedi looked at Seren with a shocked, frustrated, and blank look. "Listen fear if confronted is okay to feel. If you feel afraid accept that you are afraid and confront that fear, only by confronting your fear do you make falling to the dark side impossible." Seren explained. "I was in slavery for years, constantly being tortured for the mistakes of others. Only once did I turn to the dark side and that was after I got out of slavery." Seren affirmed. Boba looked up at Seren in shock, but she paid no attention to him. "Attachments are okay to have, but only when you admit to yourself that one day their time with you will end and instead of being afraid of that day, be grateful for the time you do have with them." Seren urged. The Jedi looked at the woman suspected, then Seren turned to the former Jedi General. "Master Ti, you must have cared for some of the troopers you worked with on Kamino?" Seren urged. The older togruta Jedi master nodded her head and looked down at her hands, remembering the baby clones he had read stories to, the teenagers whom she had seen helping them study, and finally the late teenagers whom she had seen sent off to a war they didn't deserve to fight in. "Yes, I care about every single clone I grew to know." Shaak Ti admitted. "And I know you have gone out of your way to stop decommissions on Kamino. It could stand to reason that you have an attachment to the clones and that is okay. You knew that one day they would leave you, but you.." She trailed on. "I accepted that." She admitted. "The order needs to be rewritten." Seren spoke firmly. "The order has remained intact for thousands of years, you can't simply destroy it." Jocasta proclaimed. "Master Nu the order has already been destroyed. There were what 10,000 Jedi now there what maybe thirty." Master Vos huffed. "Knight Palpatine is simply suggesting updating the code." Vos argued. The Jedi looked at each other before nodding their heads. "What we should be focusing on is the younglings and padawans who are still out there." Shaak Ti redirected. "Yes, Palpatine you seem to have a natural gift for being able to track down these survivors. Perhaps you could bring them here to Shili." Shaak Ti offered. Seren glanced at Quinlan Vos with a glare but then nodded her head. "Shili cannot be the new home planet for the Jedi, we would be endangering civilians." Seren proclaimed. "Well since you are willing to be a seeker for the Jedi Order, then I guess I can fill you in on the plan." Master Vos pronounced. "The plan is the use a various number of planets and skilled Jedi warriors as sort of an underground road to smuggle the kids away from the Empire." Master Beq affirmed. "All we need to do is to find a planet to live on." Master Nu announced. "I have a solution for that. Just to the east of Batuu, there is a planet called Arch-To, the primordial home of the Jedi." Seren proclaimed as she rolled out a paper map showing the planet's coordinates. "How do you know of this planet?" Master Beq inquired. "I have dreamt of Arch-To and Master Windu told me about it." Seren proclaimed. "Incredible, Master Nu perhaps you could go ahead and shout out the planet. Seren you must get back out there and find more younglings." Vos proclaimed. Seren nodded her head and moved to get out of the hut. Boba and Nalu are hot on her heels. "Seren, what are we doing now?" Boba asked as he looked up at the flaming-haired woman. Seren paused and then knelt down on one of the boys. "Well if you would like. You and I can stick together." Seren offered. Boba smiled at the Jedi and nodded his head. Seren let a sneaking smirk spread across her lips. "I was hoping you would say that." Seren grinned. "Now what do you say we find you some armor and weapons," Seren added. Boba smirked up at Seren. Suddenly the small form of Reva rushed out of the hut. "Master, do you have to leave?" Reva asked sadly. Seren placed her hand on Reva's shoulder. "I have to save the rest of our people Reva, but don't worry. I'll be back." Seren smiled at the young girl. "Perhaps one day I can train you." She smiled. Reva suddenly threw herself into Seren's arms causing the firm woman to stiffen at her embrace. "I'll miss you." Reva sniffled. Seren relaxed and leaned into the girl's embrace and wrapped her arms around the girl. "I'll miss you too."

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