Discovering a new World

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Name: Seren Skywalker
Age: 20
Height: 6'0
Weight: 120lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

14 Days later
Third person
The former assassin looked down at her feet as the Jedi and a few Senators discussed her fate. The youngest Skywalker sat hunched over as her older brother paced the floor. "Anakin your pacing isn't going to make a difference," Seren grumbled. "It isn't far, why did you tell them about all your killings." Anakin snapped. Seren lifted her redhead and stared up at him. "Because Anakin I killed those people and I should be punished for it," Seren affirmed as she shook her cuffed hands. The orange jumper she wore made her tan complexion seem even more radiant. "You were in slavery, you are not reasonable for those actions." Anakin hissed. Seren lowered her head once more and waited for her sentencing. Just then the cell doors opened and revealed the foreboding frame of Commander Fox. "The Senate has come to their decision." Fox nodded. Seren stood up and straightened her frame. She nodded her head and walked up to Fox. "Seren?" Anakin began. Zandra turned towards her brother and gave him a hopeless look. "No matter what happens I'll be here for you," Anakin promised. Zandra gave him a slight smile and nodded her head. Three more coruscant guards appeared and stood in front and behind the trained killer. The guards and killer walked to the room where Chancellor Palpatine, Mas Amedda, and Admiral Tarkin stood waiting for her. Before the doors opened Fox stopped and turned around to face the youngest Skywalker. "If it helps Seren, I don't think you should be held responsible for the actions of a violent ruler," Fox affirmed. Seren gave a firm nod toward him. The doors opened and revealed the men, Seren made her face blank and walked up to the politicians, Jedi, and military man. Chancellor Palpatine smiled at the assassin. "Greetings miss Skywalker." Chancellor Palpatine nodded. "Hello, your grace," Seren affirmed. "Due to the severity of the charges against you we have elected to keep this silent." Mas Amada proclaimed. "But how could you, I've killed over 255,987 people. I deserved to be punished." Seren exclaimed fiercely. "Yes, but you were at a point of disadvantage were you not and you possess valuable assets to the Republic and its war against the Separatists." Chancellor Palpatine with a gleam. "What do you mean."

Anakin's pov
I stood outside the doors of the Chancellor's doors as I waited for the answers to Seren's trial. "Anakin what are you doing here?" Padme asked as she briskly walked up to me. "Hey Padme, I'm just waiting for umm for someone." I rambled. "Oh do I know them?" Padme inquired. "Umm no or not yet at least," I replied when suddenly the door opened, revealing my little sister in new clothes, her hair done and her lightsaber at her hip. Her eyes were wide and blank. I raised my brow at her and tilted my head at her. "What happened?" I asked worried as I held her shoulders. Her confused eyes raised to look up at my own. "They cleared the charges." She gapped. "Hey that is awesome," I exclaimed as I quickly pulled her into an embrace, however, she went stiff in my arms as I hugged her. "Yeah but I leave for Kamino in thirty minutes." She grumbled.

Seren's pov
I felt Anakin go rigid at my statement and then he pulled away. "Why would you be going to Kamino?" Anakin questioned hurriedly as he pulled away. I stepped back and looked up at him. "Because they've realized that I have skills that would be useful for the republic and they are willing to pay me for those skills," I explained. "Hey, you are getting paid though," Anakin added. I shrugged and then looked at the brown-haired woman who stood in front of me. She gave me a harsh, threatening glare. I felt fear creep into my chest as she stared me down. "Oh, do you have a comlink?" Anakin exclaimed. "Ah what?" I asked. The woman seemed to glare furiously at Anakin at the mention of that item. "Here I'll give you mine, so then you can contact, Rex, Padme, and me whenever." Anakin rambled. I raised my brow at Anakin when suddenly Anakin jumped. "Oh kark that's right you two haven't met yet or we'll you have it's just been a while." Anakin trailed on. "Padme this is my little sister Seren. Seren this is Padme, the Senator from Naboo." Anakin introduced. The woman known as Padme's eyes widened and she suddenly seemed very ashamed. "Oh my goodness, I had no idea that you were Seren. My word you have grown since the last time I saw you." Padme fawned. I was slightly taken aback by her seemingly doting disposition as she pulled me into a tight embrace. I stiffened at the sudden hug and inwardly cringed. "Wow, what happened?" Padme asked as she pulled away. I blinked at her suspiciously and then at Anakin not knowing how to respond. "Well, she has recently saved over 50,000 Togrutas from being sold into slavery." Anakin boasted. Padme's eyes widened and she stared at me. "Wow, Seren that is-" "Hey Skywalker, times up," Fox shouted. "It was nice to see you both again, but I have to go," I said as I tried to creep away without another hug. "Seren take my holoprojector and comlink," Anakin ordered as he handed me the two devices. I gingerly took the devices and gave a slight smile up at Anakin. "I'll see you later I guess." I offered. Anakin gave me a sneaking smiled and crossed his arms. "Yeah, you will." He affirmed. I bowed my head towards the Senator and then turned to follow Fox to the ship that was talking me to Kamino.

Time skip
I felt the ship drop out of hyperspace and picked my head up from my slumber. I looked out of the ship's viewport and saw a planet vastly different from my own. This planet was deep blue and saw swirls of white on it. "Welcome to Kamino Seren, what do you think?" Fox asked as we began our entrance into the planet's orbit. "I didn't know there was this much blue in the whole galaxy," I uttered as I sat down into the co-pilot seat and watched the planet grow before me. Soon we dove into the atmosphere and we were immediately met by a booming sound that seem to encompass the entire ship. I looked down and saw a massive moving wall of water roaring towards a largely white, floating structure. "Great this entire planet is made out of the water," I grumbled. I felt confusion grow within fox and then he gave me a suspicious look. "Yeah, do you have a problem with that?" He asked. "No," I answered hurriedly. I stared through the viewport as we came closer to the landing platform and couldn't help, but feel nervousness creep in as I watched the swallowing water roll beneath the ship. Suddenly I felt the ship slow and I looked ahead, just in time to see the ship land. I stood up from my seat and moved to leave the cockpit. "Thank you for the ride." I thanked him quietly. Fox swiveled his chair around and nodded his head. "Any time, your the easy Skywalker." Fox joked. I gave him a friendly grin and nodded my head. I began my track out of the shutter and looked onto the platform where two long-necked Kaminoians stood. I walked down the gangplank and towards the three figures. The water that was pelting down from the sky chilled my bones as I walked across to the metal floor. Upon reaching the two figures I stopped. "Welcome to Kamino I am Prime Minister Lama Su and this is the head doctor of our cloning program, Nala Su. She has a couple of engineers and designers working on your new armor now." Lama Su affirmed. I nodded my head toward the two Kaminoians and followed them into the facility. "We have a room set up for you in one of our quiet corridors." He added. "Thank you Prime Minister," I said with a bow of the head.

Time skip
We arrived at the room. "You are welcome to put a key code in of your choice. Please make yourself at home and prepare yourself for tomorrow." He nodded. "Thank you for your hospitality Prime Minister." I bowed. The two Kaminoans walked away and I turned to my room. I pushed the button to the door and watched as the pristine white door opened revealing a good-sized room. Once I stepped inside the door shut behind me. I looked around and saw a large bed sitting in the middle of the room between two small tables. A massive window covered the right wall. I walked deeper into the room and saw the storage compartments and large refresher. I looked out onto the horizon and watched as the waves rolled over each other and the energy known as lightning flashed across the sky. I let out a huff and then threw myself down upon what I thought would be stone, however, I seemed to be swallowed up by the bed. I lurched upright and began to investigate the bed. A chill shiver went up my spine as the cool room temperature got to me. I felt the soft, fuzzy, white blankets that covered the soft bed. I went up to the front of the bed and pulled the blankets over myself as nuzzled into the soft square-shaped item beneath my head. I let out a shaking breath and began to relax.

Third Person
Seren's eyes slowly began to droop shut as the exhaustion from the past two weeks overcame her. She blocked out the thunder and the sound of the waves crashing against the facility.

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