Rescue & Reunion

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Name: Seren Skywalker
Titles: Lieutenant Commando or RC2617
Age: 20
Height: 6'0
Weight: 138
Hair color: red Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

Seren's pov
"Hey Cee, how are you doing?" Anakin asked as he approached Katia, Fox, Dogma, and me. "I am good Anakin," I affirmed as my brother Captain Rex, an Arc trooper approached. "Who are these guys?" Anakin pipped. "Anakin these are General Shand, Commander Fox, and Captain Dogma of the Republic Security Bureau." I introduced. "Commander Fox, I thought he was the Commander of the Guard?" Anakin proclaimed. "He is right here Anakin," I growled. "You are correct sir, I was the Commander of the Guard. However, the Supreme Chancellor felt I would be of better use hunting down Separatists with General Skywalker." Fox explained. "Hmm okay." Anakin shrugged. "Captain Dogma?" Rex questioned suspiciously as he stepped closer to the increasingly nervous Dogma. I raised my brow at my Captain and stepped between him and the 501st Captain. "The name of my Captain is hardly a concern as of now. Currently, we are on the hunt for a Jedi traitor." I growled out. "Another Jedi traitor? Are you sure there is a piece of evidence behind this arrest or is it like Ahsoka's arrest?" Anakin growled. "There are holovids of the Jedi speaking with Count Dooku and Asajj Ventress." Katia hissed. Anakin and Captain Rex paled, while the Arc still stared at Dogma who wore his black and silver armor. Dogma shrunk back to hide slightly behind me. "Well, I am sorry for assuming Seren. It has just been-" Anakin began. I held up my hand and stopped Anakin from continuing. "It's okay Anakin I know." I interrupted. "My men and I just need to rest and refuel," I added. "Alright, we have some officer's quarters you guys can share and our caf is open," Anakin affirmed. I nodded my head at him and placed my hands behind my back. "I'll start refueling the ship, General." Dogma volunteered. "Very well Captain. General, you stay with Dogma and pick up on the target's digital trail. Fox and I will grab food." I affirmed. Katia nodded her head and followed after Dogma. "Hey, Cee can I talk to you?" Anakin asked. I nodded my head and stepped towards him. "What is it?" I questioned plainly. "Captain Dogma was he in any other battalions before this?" Anakin questioned in a hushed voice. I raised my brow and opened my mouth to answer him when the alarms suddenly blared. "Sir, General Grievous just pulled us out of hyperspace. We are about to engage in battle with General Kenobi." A trooper proclaimed. "Commander get your ass back here." I barked into my comm. "Sir General Kenobi's forces are being overrun and they've been forced to leave the General and Commander aboard the invisible hand." The trooper proclaimed. "Brother, my men and I can handle retrieving Kenobi and the Commander. You make sure they still have a ship to go back to." I affirmed. Commander Fox came running over to me and skidded to a stop. "I've already heard the plan, Director." Fox proclaimed. "Alright General start the ship!" I shouted. Katia nodded her helmet head and dashed into the ship. Dogma finished refueling the ship and placed it away. Commander Fox and I started for our ship. "Now let's go catch a General," I smirked as I slipped my helmet over my head.

Third person
"You will die today Kenobi." Grievous hissed as Obi-Wan tried to push himself off the ground. With an evil glint in his eyes, the General moved to bring one of his sabers down upon Obi-Wan's frame causing Commander Cody to shout out in panic. Suddenly a black figure lunged and block the saber with their black, knifed gauntlets. "Not if I have anything to say about it." The feminine figure growled out as a black and silver trooper emerged from around the corner with a blaster pointed at the Jedi killer. "Hmm now, what are you?" Grievous questioned with a deep, raspy cough. The figure reached behind their back and twirled the black and red metal. The illuminating red blades extended from the hilt ad they glowed maliciously behind the angered warrior. "I'm certainly not a Jedi." Seren growled out. Commander Cody watched in awe as the woman stood over his General. The figure lunged forwards and brought the saber down upon the half machine half man. The blades clashed violently in a vicious dance when suddenly Seren's blades separated and she threw one at her friend. The trooper lept into the fight and began blocking and countering the general's strikes. Wordlessly battled the man with an amount of familiarity and fluidity that was unseen by the seasoned Jedi master. Then two more black and silver figures appeared, one a vod and the other was another woman. "Come on Commander let's get you out of here." The vod proclaimed as he picked him up from underneath his arms. The woman wordlessly picked up Kenobi and together the pair began to guide them out of the fight. "Who are you?" General Kenobi asked hanging onto the woman. "I am General Katia Shand and that is Captain Dogma." Katia answered as the sound of the lightsabers clashing disappeared behind them. "Stop right there!" A battle droid proclaimed as a squad of B2's aimed at the group. Katia quickly handed Kenobi to Dogma as she yanked out two hilts before flicking them at her sides. Long, glowing, lavender colored whips extended from the hilts and she immediately lunched at the droids. Blaster fire streamed towards Katia however none hit her. Her long braided brown trailed behind her as she deflected the fire back at the droids. She swished her whips behind her and ran forwards, before jumping up into the air and spinning, decapitating the droids in one swoop. She landed in knell with her whips held out to the side. "Well that was impressive." Kenobi pronounced. "Yeah remind me not to get on your bad side." Cody agreed. Suddenly Grievous scurried past them with Seren and Fox hot in his heels. "Fox leave him, let's get the General and Commander out." Seren ordered hurriedly. Fox stopped and nodded his head once before handing the lightsaber over to Seren. "Vod'ika?" Cody asked in shock. "Hey Cody." Fox breathed out. Cody struggled to get away from Dogma before Fox swooped in to carefully grab his older brother. "How are you here?" Cody questioned. "The guard doesn't exist anymore." Fox answered. "As sweet as this reunion is, let's get going." Seren affirmed. Katia nodded her head and handed Kenobi over to Dogma. "Katia you take the back, I'll take the front." Seren affirmed. Katia nodded her head and stepped to the back. The group began towards where their ship was docked when another batch of droids cut them off on both sides from the ship. Katia leapt into action deflecting blaster fire, while Seren activated her sabers before launching them at the droids disassembling them immediately cutting them down. "Well that was quite impressive." Kenobi added. "Well that's what we are General." Katia teased. Seren summoned her saber back and placed it on the small of her back. Suddenly the alarms blared and Seren's com sparked to life. "Ceee I hope you have Obi-Wan and Cody because the ship is about to start crashing into that moon." Anakin proclaimed when suddenly the ship exploded into flames and tipped forwards sending Cody, Fox and Seren flying down into the flames. Seren grabbed onto Fox who held onto Cody. Katia slammed her knife into the floor, ripped out her whip before flicking it to a lower setting and wrapped it around Seren's outreached hand. Seren let out a a yell off pain as the whip burned through her arm. Seren's lips twisted into a snarl as she wrapped the whip around her baskar, durasteal gauntlets. "You okay?" Katia shouted. "I'm fine." Seren growled out. Obi-Wan opened a door to the side and threw Dogma there. Seren began to climb back up with both troopers holding onto her hand. Katia swung her whip and hooked onto a pipe. She swung into the hallway allowing both Seren and the brothers to climb in. Seren unwrapped the whip from around her arm and held it to her stomach. "Are you okay Seren?" Katia asked in a quiet tone as she went to hold her arm. "I'm fine Kat." Seren snapped as she moved around the General. "We need to get to the ship now." Seren growled out. "I am well enough to walk now." Obi-Wan proclaimed. "Okay good because we are going to be running." Seren replied as she pulled out her saber and began to run. Fox pulled Cody onto his back and rushed after his commanding officer. The groups thundering steps echoed throughout the hall as they neared the docking bay. "I don't know what this ship is far." The B1 droid pronounced. "Heeeeyyy isn't this a republic ship?" Another droid pipped up. "Yup surprise!" Fox shouted as he fired two shots at the droids, blowing their heads off. The group hurried into the ship and Seren dove for the pilot's seat as Katia went for the co-pilot's seat. "Starting up the engines." Katia proclaimed. The door slide shut as the engines flared to life. "We are all set director." Fox pronounced. The red haired woman nodded her head and navigated the ship to take off. "Weapons on are line." Katia affirmed. "Alright this is where the fun begins." Seren smirked. Katia blew open the bay doors as Seren launched out of the bay. Immediately the surface of the planet came into view as the larger ship plummeted down falling into the planet's gravitational pull. Seren slammed the throttle forwards sending the ship into a speedy descent. The passengers grimaced as they were sent back in their seats. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Cody shouted in protest. "WE HAVE TO OUT RUN THE SHIP!!" Seren explained. The ship weaved in an out of debris and just as the smaller ship reached the surface. Seren pulled the throttle back and saved the ship before it hit the ground. Seren weaved the ship back and forth between the crashing debris. The director then pulled the ship's throttle completely back as she moved the ship out of the range of the fiery explosion that ensured behind them. "Cee hope you got out of that ship." Anakin pipped up from the com. Seren tapped the com as a breath of relief escaped everyone's lips while she leveled out the ship. "Yeah we got out. I'm taking General Kenobi, and Commander Cody back to the negotiator." She affirmed as the ship glided through the air. "Fox if you would be so kind as to attend to the medical needs of the General and Commander that would be preferable." Seren nodded. "Sure thing director."

Time skip
Crosshair's pov
I walked through the ship aimlessly as I tried to get away from my brothers. As I walked a familiar feeling swept over me I straightened my back and looked around for the source when I spotted it. It was her, it was Seren walking out of medical with her arm wrapped in medical gauze. Her long fiery locks were pulled back and braided into a braid, a strand of hair fell freely at her cheek. My heart pounded in my chest as I looked over her slender form. "Ren?" I asked in a quiet voice. Seren immediately whipped around to face me. Her cold gaze softened, as she took in my frame. "Crosshair." She breathed out before rushing at me. I wrapped my arms around her and lifting her up off the ground. I smelt the base of her neck and was overcome her scented meiloorun body wash. My hands moved through her soft hair. I felt her soothing nails move through my scalp. I heard a quiet sob and felt a tight squeeze from Seren. "Hey are you okay?" I asked as I sat Seren down. I cupped her cheeks in my hands as I looked over her reddened cheeks, and wide watering blue eyes. "Yes I just missed you." She sniffled. My heart melted at her confession and I felt a smile tug at my lips as I held my Cyar'ika's cheeks. "I missed you too." I whispered as an urge overwhelmed me. I leaned in towards Seren and looked at her lips. She nodded her head as I brushed the last of her tears away.

Third person
Crosshair's and Seren's lips touched each other and sparks sprung between the two of them immediately. His hand moved to the back of her head and brushed through the locks. Her lips moved with her each pair devouring the other's taste. Crosshair's looming hands moved down to the small of her back and guided her closer to him. The couple's bodies pressed together each yearning for the other until breath was needed. With her hands at the base of his head she held onto his head in a tight embrace. They gasped for breath as they pressed her foreheads together in a keldabe kiss. "Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum Cyar'ika." I whispered to her. A single tear dropped from her closed eyes as a soft smile spread across her lips. "Bal Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum ner ram'ser." She breathed out.

I love you my darling
And I love you my sniper.

Forces of Fateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें