A New Era

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Name: Seren Palpatine
Titles: Jedi Knight
Age: 21
Height: 6'0
Weight: 135lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Kill count: 500,666
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

The young brown stubbled-haired boy lay on the young sofa and an IV ran nutrients into his body. Seren sat on the other yellow-curved sofa reading through the documents on the Holocron, from the secrets of force tracking to how to purify kyber crystals. Seren's eyes darted across the projections not noticing the boy waking up and staring at her. The boy snapped upright and threw himself over the sofa desperate to get away from the studious Jedi. His back slammed into the metal wall of the ship and his chest rapidly rose and fell. "Hey, honey are you okay?" Seren questioned as she rose from her seat to calm down the stressed boy. "Get away from me, your a Jedi." The boy growled. "A new one." She replied. The boy looked at her in hidden curiosity and then his young face contorted in anger. "Why would you rescue me, so you can lock me away in some prison again?" He growled. Seren raised her brow and placed the saber that rested on her hip onto the sofa. "No, I rescued you because I know what it is like to be hurt and alone." Seren stated plainly as she sat down in front of the boy. The boy's breathing relaxed slightly as he observed the calm, sincere, woman sitting before him. "You have reopened your wounds, may I tend to them?" Seren asked calmly. The boy looked down at his torso seeing red seep out from tan bandages. "Why didn't you use bacta?" The boy questioned dumbfounded. Seren stood up and walked over to the medical kit on the wall. "Because...bacta is expensive and I wasn't planning on getting shot. So I didn't plan for it." Seren replied as she briskly walked back to the boy. "Who are you looking at?" He snapped angrily at the padawan who watched him and her master from the safety of the cockpit. "I am clearly looking at you." Reva snapped back. "Everyone calm down. I would prefer no bloodshed." Seren proclaimed. "You should have thought of that when Windu killed my father." The boy shouted. Seren looked at the boy in shock and then frowned. "I am so sorry, I was unaware Windu killed your father." Seren apologized. "I can see you care for him deeply." Seren apologized while she began to wrap his small torso. "Like you would know what's that like." The boy snapped. Seren's eyes glared up at the boy. "I wasn't always the Jedi. My path has been rather unconventional." Seren shrugged. "I only became a Jedi after my father exposed himself to be a Sith and electrocuted me before throwing me into Coruscant's depths." Seren added. The boy stared at the woman in shock. "When was that?" The boy questioned. "4 months ago." Seren shrugged. "Why would he try to kill you?" He asked. "Because I was questioning why the clones turned on all the Jedi and why my brother stormed the Jedi temple." She answered. "The Jedi..... are dead?" He asked. Seren frowned and looked down at the ground before closing her eyes. "All that remains are 100, but even now that number is fading." Seren answered before a huff escaped her lips. "It's funny that I am supposed to rebuild the order when I don't know the first thing about how to be a Jedi." She huffed. The boy seemed to pounder the woman's statement before looking up at her. "Maybe it's a good thing you haven't been a Jedi for a while because they sucked." The boy huffed. For the first time in months, Seren let out a truly joyful laugh. Her white teeth shined in the lights of hyperspace and her joyous laugh infected the kids causing them to laugh as well. "That is something we can agree with." Seren nodded as she began to wrap the boy's bandages. "So I am Seren." Seren was introduced suddenly. "And I am Reva." The small girl waved as she emerged from the cockpit. "Who are you?" Reva inquired. "I am Boba Fett." Boba introduced. "Well, it is nice to meet you Boba." Seren smiled as she finished wrapping Boba's torso before picking him up and carrying him back to the sofa. Boba looked down at the weapon of his father's murder and glared at it furiously. Seren picked it up in her hands and twirled it in air using the force, before kneeling in front of the boy. "Boba I hope we can rebuild the rift between you and me, perhaps you would like to join me to get new material to build my saber instead of using, Windu's." Seren offered. "Is he dead?" Boba growled. "Yes very much so." Seren answered quickly. "Then sure." Boba agreed. "And I'm coming too." Reva beamed. "Well, I would expect you to." Seren pronounced. "Where are we going?" Reva inquired. "Well, Ord Mantell is nearby." Seren shrugged. "Perhaps they would have the pieces there." Seren shrugged.

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