Escaping Coruscant

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Name: Seren Palpatine
Titles: Director and Jedi Knight
Age: 20
Height: 6'0
Weight: 130lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Kill count: 500,666
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

The form of the bloodied and battered woman lay limply in the darkened alleyway she had fallen into. The rats and tooka cats off the planet ran over her form when a man in a long brown coat walked up to the woman. His dark brown eyes scanned over the unmoving woman. He knelt down beside Seren and gently picked up her head. Her head fell back as if she was a doll as the man moved her head into his lap. He placed his hand on her head and closed his eyes. "Wake." He spoke firmly. A loud gasp exploded from her lips and her eyes snapped open before she grimaced in pain. A quiet groan of pain escaped her lips as her eyes filled with pain. "I know you are in pain Seren, but I need you awake." The firm voice of the cloaked figure instructed. Seren's pained blue eyes, focused on the figure before her frame stiffened. Blood exploded from her as she let out a deep, vibrating cough. "Master Windu?" She questioned in a raspy voice. "Hello there Seren." He greeted. Seren turned her head into Windu's stomach before releasing another bloodied cough. Mace Windu's calloused hand cupped her head and gently held moved her. "I know you are in pain, but you are not allowed to join us just yet." She forced her half-lidded eyes, to focus on his wide orbs as she bit her tongue. "I'm sorry I failed." She coughed out as pained tears fell from her pale cheek. "Shuussshh, it's okay." Mace soothed uncharastically. "You need to live." He urged as he placed the heavy metal hilt into her hand. "You have something that no other force wielder has. The ability to bring back the Jedi order, better than it was before." He spoke. "But I'm not a Jedi." She protested before a groan escaped her lips and she curled in on herself. "Seren, you are a Jedi in more ways than you believe. You give compassion to those who have done nothing for it, you do not let your emotions cloud your judgment, you remain resilient even in the darkest of times, and protect those who cannot protect themselves." Master Windu reasoned. Seren's deep blue eyes focused on his and sniffled as he steadily pushed her upright. "You must go to Arch-To there you will learn the force's secrets," Mace instructed. "I have summoned your friend Nalu to take you to your friend and padawan," Windu informed as he carefully picked up the weakened woman to place her onto the back of her large saber tooth, tiger. Seren released a quiet moan as she was laid on the back of Nalu. Nalu gave a quiet, concerned meowed as her friend forced herself to sit upright. "You must forgive them, Seren, it was not their fault." Windu urged at the exhausted husk of a woman. Seren did nothing, but swallow the blood that had begun to fill her mouth. "Come on Nalu, let's find Dogma." She whispered to her friend completely.

Time Skip
"Don't worry kid, I am sure she is okay," Dogma assured the young girl sitting wrapped in the coat beside him. Her legs dangled over the ship's ledge, anxiously waiting to leave. The cameras of the director's private hangers lay dysfunctional and disabled. When the blast doors to the compound chimed that they were going to open. Dogma jumped with his blaster pointed toward the door, ready to kill whoever was about to threaten him and his new body. The doors opened to reveal Nalu and the hunched, barely awake form of Seren. Dogma's eyes widened as he hurried over to Seren as sheathed his blaster. As if Seren will suddenly leave her, she fell off the side of Nalu. Panicked-filled Dogma rushed forwards and caught Seren, just barely before she could smack onto the harsh durasteal below. "Hey hey Ren, what happened?" Dogma asked as he reached for his com. "Nnno. No don't." Seren gasped out as her shaking hand grabbed onto Dogma's steady one. "Why, why can't you get help? Who did this to you?" Dogma asked hurriedly. "Pppalpatine nn fox." She huffed out before her face contorted in pain. The young girl's eyes widened in shock as did Dogma's. "Nned to leaveer." She mumbled into Dogma's armored chest. "Okay okay." Dogma nodded in a panic. "Kid get into the ship, Nalu into the ship," Dogma ordered hurriedly. The young girl rushed into the ship with the feline at her heels. Dogma carried Seren into the ship. Nalu curled up on the floor just before Dogma gently placed her head onto Nalu's side. Her limp hand gently rested on the floor as her head turned to Nalu's side. The young girl moved to one of her rescuer's side, Seren's face contorted in agony as the door to the ship closed and they took off into space. Leaving the senate building, the burning Jedi temple, and their old lives behind. They all knew their lives would never be the same again. A sense of finality hung in the air as the ship flew into the air. The young girl moved to one of the viewports and watched as the only place she knew to be home steadily decreased in size. She turned back to look at the red-haired woman with wide eyes, a sense of belonging came over the young girl and she understood that this battle-worn woman was meant to guide her through the mysteries of the force, that she was meant to be her padawan. The girl looked back down to the planet of Coruscant and released a sigh, just before they leaped into hyperspace. The girl turned back to the woman when the cockpit door swished open and revealed Dogma. "Hey I set us to Batuu, that way we are as far aware from the republic as possible," Dogma stated as he walked over to Seren. Her chest heaved as she struggled to pull oxygen into her lungs, Dogma frowned before turning to the standardized medical bag and pulling out an oxygen mask. He slipped it onto her face, before moving a red strand of hair out of her face. "Hey, I never asked the kid. What is your name?" Dogma inquired. "My name is Reva...Reva Sevander." She answered. "Nice to meet you Reva, I am Dogma."

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