Treasure among Trash

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Name: Seren Palpatine
Titles: Jedi Knight
Age: 21
Height: 6'0
Weight: 135lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Kill count: 500,666
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

Some weeks later
The filth of the trash planet littered the ground as the Jedi in darkened clothes a stark contrast to the brown and rusted surroundings. Her calculating blue eyes scan the merged of wrecked ships. Her thin gloved hand lighted a comlink "Wyhdah two, how is it?" Seren whispered into the comlink on her wrist. "Wyhdah one, there is no sign of the target yet, but Wyhdah three and I are hunting for it." Boba's voice whispered over the comlink. Seren nodded her head once and then brought her com up to her mouth once more. "Very well, continue your search I am going to make a detour." Seren informed. "Copy that." Boba replied. Seren lifted her mask over her nose and began to slink down towards the roughed-up ship that the force was calling to her. The wreckage creaked with each move she made on the surface of the large warship. The force urged her to move faster, whispering in her ear. Seren leaped across a large chasm in between ships. She somersaulted the landing and continued on. The blue waters of the planet brushed up against the debris, Seren eyed it suspiciously before continuing towards the ship.  She crossed the small balance beam across into the ship, she walked down the darkened halls, before making a scooping motion with her hand causing a light blue flame to erupt in her palm. The blue flames illuminated her deep blue orbs as she walked down the darkened hallways. Suddenly the light-wispy forms of Captain Rex and the black-armored form of Echo appeared. "How did you boys learn about the inhibitor chips." Rex asked causing Seren to freeze in her tracks. "Omega told us." Echo replied. "The kid." Rex exclaimed before they vanished. Her thoughts rambled on about the inhibitor chips as she continued to walk on when she arrived at a large chasm. She looked down at the water below and saw a long wire trailing down to the water. Seren tilted her neck to crack it, just before she stepped back to launch herself over the gorge. Seren landed silently on the other side of the ledge and reignited the flame in her hand. The blue flame flickered in her left hand as she walked cautiously down the hallway. The sound of blaster fire made Seren freeze, extinguish her blue flame, and crotch down. Sensing panic in the ship Seren began to run towards the fearful emotions. Her boots pounded on the floor as she raced across the hallway, just then she saw a small blonde-haired girl run around the corner and towards the collapsed medical ward. Then the looming figure of Wrecker stalked towards the girl with anger residing off of him. "You are in violation of Order 66." Wrecker growled out. "Oh shit not again." Seren grumbled. Her right hand went to her saber and held it out to the side, before igniting it. "Well, why don't you finish it," Seren growled out, catching the giant's attention. "Jedi." Wrecker growled out. Seren sheathed her signature weapon and slipped into a fight stance. "Wrecker will crush you, you can't defeat him." The blonde-haired girl shouted desperately as she held onto the gun in her arms. "Oh don't worry honey, I won't be crushed." Seren replied as she cracked her neck. Wrecker charged at the masked Jedi, Seren jumped up into the air, grabbed Wrecker's fist, then slammed her foot forwards into his face, knocking him back. Seren swung around and landed on the ground with her relaxed hands out. The girl's wide brown eyes widened in shock, Wrecker however tumbled back and held onto his jaw, where the Jedi had kicked him. "Hurts like a bantha hmm." She huffed. "You'll pay for that traitor." Wrecker growled as picked himself up before lunging at the woman. Seren lunged forwards holding her armored arm out, swiping his leg out from under him. Causing him to fall flat on his back, Seren bent down to her knee and placed her hand on his forehead. Seren closed her eyes and breathed out her words in a whisper. "Sleep." She whispered. Wrecker fell limp at her words, leaving the Jedi and clone in silence. Omega's heart raced in her ears as she looked over the hooded figure. "He is alive, just unconscious." Seren assured. "Thank you." Omega breathed out. Seren looked over the girl and nodded her head, before beginning to walk away. "Wait!" Omega shouted to the figure who was almost impossible to see. Seren stopped in her tracks and turned to the girl. "What do you want in return?" the girl asked boldly. "I haven't asked for anything now have I?" Seren shrugged. "I know people always want something in return." Omega huffed. Seren smirked underneath the mask and walked calmly towards the girl, before squatting down in front of her. "You are right, I do want something in return." Seren smiled before reaching into her back pocket and pulling out an old Jedi communicator. "I want you to hide this from everybody and to only use it when you truly need help." Seren affirmed as she offered the comlink to the girl. Omega looked up at Seren with wide eyes and reached out for the comlink. Seren took the girl's other hand and covered the com, before standing back up and stepping back. "Omega?" Rex shouted down the hallway causing the young girl to look at Captain. "Rex!" She exclaimed before she turned back to where the Jedi stood, only to find it empty. All that remained of her savior was the cool metal comlink in her hand. Rex hurried up to the girl and then looked down at Wrecker. "How did you?" Rex began. "Come on Rex, we have to get his chip out." Omega proclaimed.

Time Skip
Seren walked out of the flagship when her comlink sprung to life. "Whydah one I found the target, but they are scared, starving, and extremely sick." Boba's voice proclaimed. "Okay Wydah two, I'm on the way," Seren affirmed before she began to walk away from the ship. Seren let out a deep breath and allowed the force to guide her steps toward her chosen foundling and the weakened Padawan. "He is inside the hole. I tried to get him out, but he doesn't trust anyone." Boba huffed. "That is alright, I'll get him." Seren sighed. She closed her eyes and felt through the force, what the youngling's name was. "Cal Kestis." A whisper was uttered into her ear. Seren looked into the hole and sighed. "Hey Cal, how are you doing? I am Jedi Knight Palpatine." Seren introduced into the dark hole. She sat down in front of the entrance of the trash-made hole, patiently waiting for a response, however, none came. "Hey, are you okay? Do I need to come in and rescue you?" Seren asked after a long pause of silence. "No." A shaking voice replied. "No, you are not okay or no to me coming in after you?" Seren questioned in curiosity.  "No, please don't come in." The voice croaked out with sobs in his voice. "Okay, I'll stay out here." Seren nodded as she brought her knees up to her chest before she relaxed her arms over her kneecaps. Then she grabbed her lightsaber on her belt. "Hey, do you want to see my lightsaber?" Seren asked. The force shifted and Seren felt Cal's curiosity spark. "Yes." He answered. Seren placed the metal weapon inside the hole when suddenly a hand reached out and grabbed the weapon. Silence overcame the trio as the padawan held onto the weapon. "You've been rescuing padawans." The shaking voice of Cal proclaimed. "Yes, my son and I have been going around on behave of the new Jedi order to collect former padawans and younglings," Seren answered. Just then a small pale hand emerged before a red mop appeared above the piercing adorable green eyes. Seren gave a warm smile to the boy and reached out with her hand. "Well hello there." Seren greeted. Tears grew in the small boy's eyes as he reached out for the knight. "My master...he's gone." Cal sniffled as the tears began to seep down his freckled cheeks. "I know." Seren frowned as she pulled the small padawan into her arms before placing the lightsaber back onto her belt. The boy clung to her tunic and let his tears pour down his pale cheeks. "It's okay now. You are safe now." Seren soothed. "Why would they kill us?" Cal sobbed out. "I don't know, but you are safe now. Boba and I will not hurt you." Seren assured this caused the boy to bury his face more into the dark purple fabric. Seren rested her head on the boy's head and held him tightly. Boba's green and red helmet looked down at the woman and child. Her slim fingernails brushed through his red hair, while he sobbed into her chest. Seren's arms wrapped beneath the boy and she held him onto her chest firmly. "Let's head out of here," Seren whispered to Boba who nodded his head. Seren climbed up onto the quiet feline as she held onto the boy weeping in her arms. Seren urged the cat forward with her knees as she held onto the boy. Boba activated his jet pack and together the pair disappeared over the horizon, dashing towards their ship.

Time Skip
On Coruscant
"Have you accomplished your adjective on Maridun Lord Vader?" Darth Sidious hissed out. The weight of the small metal saber in the Sith Lord's hand seemed to grow as his master's words washed over him. "Yes, master." Darth Vader replied as he hide the hilt behind his back, turning his back on the life he lead before, turning his back on the Jedi order his family, the clones his comrades, Ahsoka his padawan, Obi-wan his father figure, Padme his wife, and Seren his little sister. "Now let me introduce you to protect Inquistorious." Palpatine grinned.

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