Tension among the Group

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Name: Seren Skywalker
Titles: Commando
Age: 20
Height: 6'0
Weight: 148lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth
Hunter's pov
Two weeks later
"Here is the plan, Seren and Crosshair will infiltrate the meeting by him being disguised as one of her slaves and Seren will be the influential politician who is interested in joining the Separatists, however, she wants to know their strengths before she joins. as of Seren's and Tech, Wrecker, and I will be on standby for removal. Zandra do you know any planets that aren't official with the separatist and would confuse the Techno union into talking?" I asked. "I do, Zygerria is a planet that works exclusively with Count Dooku and no one else knows of their affairs," Seren promised. "And you happen to know so much about a slave system how hmm." Crosshair sneered. Seren sent a dead stare at him and shook her head. "Crosshair I'm too tired to deal with your shit today, so just stop." Seren huffed plainly. I knew that Seren was having difficulties sleeping these past two weeks and the entire time it seemed like Crosshair had a personal vendetta against her, so I could understand her frustration. Crosshair let out a huff and then rolled his eyes. Seren's turned back to me and crossed her arms. "Besides it's just a gala we are infiltrating, so it should be easy." She shrugged. "They could poison the foods if they are suspicious, however." Tech proclaimed. "Well I'll be fine, I'm immune to most poisons." She waved off. "What part of Jedi training was that?" Wrecker asked causing everyone to let out an exasperated sigh. "I'm not a Jedi Wrecker," Seren replied. "And I swear to Ashla Crosshair if you find a way to turn this into a way to say that I'm a reject again I will just walk out." Seren snapped. "And for the disguise, it would be easier if I was someone who everyone has heard of, but never seen." She added. "And whose that?" Tech inquired. "I've got a stash of Zygerrian stuff." She shrugged. "How do you get ahold of such items?" Tech inquired asking a question all of us were wondering. Seren gave us a dead look and then shrugged. "Never know when it might come in handy." She shrugged.

Time skip
"I look like a Tooka cat" Crosshair grumbled angrily as he walked out in the human version of Zygerrian armor. "Well, the armor itself is accurate. Even the patterns on spot on." Tech proclaimed. "Ughhhh who would care about that?" Wrecker asked loudly. "Well, the Zygerrians for one, and the Separatists would notice if there was a minor detail that was incorrect," Seren answered as she appeared from within the stolen separatist ship. She stood before us in gold and black armor. The suit had baggy pants, but the golden leg guards and kneecaps outlined her thin legs. Her former red hair was now a chocolate brown with a burst of blonde here and there. "Wwooaaahhh what happened to you?" Wrecker asked in shock. "I believe Seren is posing herself as the Merchant of Death aka the Executioner of Zygerria. No one has ever gotten a close look at her, but from the holovids, we do have that is design accurate as well." Tech nodded. "Hmm who would have thought," Seren grumbled under her breath? She lifted the black, gold, red-eyed helmet to her head and slipped it on. "The Separatists ship is ready for departure." She said in a mechanical tone.

Seren's pov
I looked down at my new squad as my old armor clung to my more built-out frame. I nodded at them and went into the pilot's seat. As I sat down in the seat I could hear the Queen's words being flown at me. "Without me, you are nothing but a disowned and unwanted slave brat." She screamed at me. "Let's go." Crosshair hissed in a tone similar to that of Master Malac. "As you wish master," I responded purely out of instinct. My chest twisted at the mistake I made, however, I made sure not to show it. I piloted the ship, up into the atmosphere in silence and then into hyperspace. I placed the ship on autopilot to the planet Anaxus where the intel said the gala was being held. "We will be there shortly," I informed quietly. I stepped out of the cockpit and into the cargo hold. I threw myself down into a seat and hunched my arms over onto my knees. My hands reached up to my head and pulled off the familiar helmet. I bit my lip as I stared into the red lenses. The very same red lenses that I had been forced to look through as I killed thousands of friends and other strangers whom the queen had wanted executed. Memories of my childhood crept in. "50 please...please don't kill me." The young girl begged as I held the knife over her neck. "Kill or be killed 50." Master proclaimed loudly. I look up at the trainer with wide eyes. "But I've already subdued her, killing her is wrong!" I argued. Suddenly pain shot through my leg and I collapsed on top of the girl. She spun me down into the ground and held my knife to my neck. Panic rose in my chest as I knife inched closer to my throat. My cheats heaved in panic breaths as the knife moved closer to my neck. "Ren?" A voice began. "You will die." She said firmly. "Seren!" Someone shouted suddenly. I felt tears beginning to spring up from my eyes as I turned the knife back into the girl and suddenly I plunged it into her now crimson-red neck. My heartbeat pounded in my chest as the crimson-red blood splattered onto my face. "It looks like you get today to eat today," Master pronounced. "Seren." Someone boomed, snapping me out of my thoughts. My head shook slightly as I cleared my head. "Are you good?" Crosshair said sounding surprisingly concerned. I nearly answered him when he spoke up again. "Or do I need to turn us around and get someone who can complete the mission?" Crosshair snapped. I threw my head back into the wall behind me. "You know you could have just left out the last part....like that whole backhanded remark was completely pointless." I huffed as I stood up. "And I'm fine," I answered while walking back into the cockpit.

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