Rescue on Kallar

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Name: Seren Palpatine
Titles: Jedi Knight
Age: 21
Height: 6'0
Weight: 135lbs
Hair color: red
Eyes: Bright blue
Force Sensitive=positive
Kill count: 500,666
Trained in martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, aviation, espionage, throwing knives, self-trained with the force, and stealth

Time skip
A week
Seren landed her ship beside one of the many cliffs of Kallar, a stiff sense of mourning and loss streamed through the planet. The source of such grief, Seren knew to be one lone and possibly hurt Padawan. Seren stepped out of the ship as a cold wind blew through the air making her harm move in the wind. A silent shiver coursed down Seren's back, she pulled her hood tight over her head and looked back at the pair of teens. "Stay on board the ship." Seren ordered as she whistled for Nalu to join her at her side. The large feline hurried up to her friend's side, allowing the Jedi to grab onto the horn of the saddle, and host herself up onto Nalu's back. "I will return, do not allow anyone to board the ship." Seren commanded firmly. "Okay, Master." Reva beamed. "Sure Buir." Boba smirked. Seren nodded her head and snapped the reins of the feline. The cat's steps thumbed against the frozen ground, the chill of the air biting into Seren's flesh as they moved. The sun moved across the berren wasteland, after the sun had moved completely across the sky, Seren and Nalu arrived at the scene of what looked like to be a battlefield. Seren looked across the field as what appeared to be the ghosts of the past played out the scene. Seren hopped off her feline as the scene became more apparent. "Execute order 66." The chancellor's voice hissed out. The clone captain paused for a moment and then opened fire upon the Jedi. Seren watched helplessly as the clones fired upon the master, the padawan appeared from the far side of the battlefield and then rushed towards his struggling master. "You must run!" She shouted to the padawan, just before she was shot in the shoulder. She turned back to the clones and began to deflect the blast. "Run Caleb!" She shouted. The pain was shined in the padawan known as Caleb's light teal, blue eyes. Seren watched as the master's lightsaber was thrown out of her hand before turning away from the inevitable death of the Jedi. She turned towards the padawan as he began to run away. Seren hurried after the padawan, however, she skidded to a stop as she faced the ghost of her former team. Her breath was stolen from her as her eyes landed on the form of her universe. Her legs shook as she hesitantly stepped toward the sniper. She looked over his tall, lean form and reached up to touch his helmet. Only for her slender fingertips to slip through the form. Seren bit her lower lip as she clenched her eyes shut before the tears could spring from her orbs. "Stay away from me!" Caleb roared. Seren whipped around and watched the padawan leave. "Kid wait!" Hunter shouted. Seren turned back to her friends form desperate to see them, when they began to disappear. Seren looked back over to the form of the disappearing padawan. "NALU!" Seren shouted. The cat hurried forwards and Seren grabbed onto the horn of the saddle. Seren looked over to the form of Crosshair. "I am so sorry ner ram'ser." Seren whispered. Seren pulled the reigns of the feline and cashed after the padawan. The blue form of the padawan jumped up into the trees when suddenly the forms of Hunter and Crosshair appeared. Seren watched as Crosshair spotted the padawan. "There." Crosshair whispered. Seren let out a sigh as she looked over the scene, she watched as Crosshair began to fiddle with his rifle. "Come on down, kid. We are here to help." She heard Hunter shout, horror overcame her when Crosshair raised his rifle and fired at the kid. Her face visibly paled and her head whipped towards the padawan's position. The padawan deflected the blast and snarled at the pair. "LIAR!" Caleb roared. Seren's tears streamed down her cheeks, as she looked in horror at her former lover. "What are you doing?" Hunter growled. "Following orders." Crosshair spoke plainly. "We don't even know what the order is." Hunter proclaimed as he walked down the rock outcropping. "Stand down until we know what's going on." Hunter urged as he pushed Crosshair back before he walked away. Crosshair watched his brother leave before speaking again. "Good soldiers follow orders." He spoke absentmindedly. Seren's brows furrowed at the odd behavior and followed after him. Seren and Nalu chased after the pair when they stopped holding their helmet. "Wrong." Crosshair drawled as he took aim and fired at the padawan. This time he fell to the ground. "Oh kriffening damit Cross." Seren snaped. Caleb rose to his feet and extended his blade, before moving at Crosshair. Crosshair fired relentlessly at the padawan. "Crosshair, stand down." Hunter shouted as Crosshair brought out his hand blaster. The padawan jumped at Crosshair, while he aimed at Caleb's head. Seren became breathless in fear, Crosshair went flying into a tree and went limp to the ground. Seren watched his head fall listlessly, seeming unconscious. "Take it easy kid." Hunter urged before he tossed his weapon. "Easy." He soothed as he stepped closer to Caleb. "I'm on your side." Caleb's eyes began frantic and he looked around in fear. Just before he dashed away. Seren urged Nalu forwards to race after the padawan. A cliff appeared in front of Caleb, he skidded to a stop. When he sensed Hunter, Nalu stopped on the outcropping, while her friend watched the vision. "Stay back" Caleb shouted. "Just hear me out." Hunter urged. "No, you killed her!" Caleb professed causing Hunter to sigh as he moved to take off his helmet. "The others did. I'm just as confused as you are." He professed. Caleb's eyes widened, however, he remained still. "Stay back. Stay back!" He roared fearfully. "I can help you, come with me." Hunter pleaded. Caleb stepped back in fear when the voices of the clone troopers drifted by the wind and reached their ears. "I'm sure he went this way. Come on!" Hunter looked back at the clone and growled. An angered looked flashed across Caleb's before he turned to the cliff and jumped. "No!" Hunter shouted in fear and he tried to grab the kids. Caleb landed on the other side of the cliff side, Seren urged Nalu forwards and with a massive leap. The two crossed the gorge. The figure of the padawan disappeared and instead, Seren closed her eyes. She let out a deep breath and remembered what the child looked like. With her closed eyes, she watched the forest move rapidly, after a long time of moving a small cave appeared with a small boy shivering against the rock, desperately trying to get warm. The boy was painfully thin, tears leaked down his face and over his chapped lips. "Please hurry." The voice of Deppa pleaded in a whisper. Seren snapped Nalu's reigns chasing the cat in a rush into action. The hood of the Jedi knight clung to her head and they moved rapidly away from the battlefield. Seren's hands gripped onto the reigns fiercely. The moon rose into the sky as the cat and Jedi moved swiftly over the forest landscape. The force moved in perfect tandem with the pair, guiding the knight ever closer to the Padawan. The thundering steps of the cat roared over any sounds that the forest made. As the moon rose further into the night sky, Seren began to recognize the surrounding area from her vision. As they moved closer to the cave, Seren spotted troopers in silver and white armor, the troopers creeping closer to the hiding place of the padawan. Seren forced the cat to stop in her tracks and hop off the cat. "Nalu stay." Seren whispered. Seren glared at the clone trying to discern them. "Inform the commander that we have the location of the padawan." A stern voice ordered at his second in command. Seren eyed the troopers, from her hiding spot just behind a bush. "Ughh I can't get any signal." The trooper groaned. "Well go on and try to connect." The other nodded. Not wanting to kill the troopers Seren stepped out from her hiding place. The second in command stopped and stared at Seren in horror. "I do not wish to hurt you, but you must leave." Seren spoke sternly. The troopers whipped around to look at Seren, however, all they could see was the black hooded figure. "Are you Sith?" The trooper inquired slightly fearfully. Seren stepped out from the bushes and she sighed. "At one point I was known to be the Sith Executioner of Zygerria." She confessed as she lowered her hood. The troopers stared in awe at the thought to be a dead woman. "Princess Seren?, I...I thought you were dead." The lieutenant proclaimed. "My death was orchestrated by the man you called Emperor. " She spoke firmly with her hands positioned over her hidden hilt. "Your Highness are you claiming the emperor faked your death." The lieutenant asked. "Oh no, he believes that I am dead Lieutenant." Seren nodded. "But why would he-" He began. "These are questioning times now, aren't they? The republic is gone, the war is over, the Jedi are dead, being labeled as traitors, when they are the only ones who treated you clones with respect." Seren spoke unyielding as she attempted to talk the clones down. "Look at how convent this all was for Palpatine. He went from the Chancellor with limited power to an emperor with unlimited power. He wanted to control the galaxy and the only people stopping him was the Jedi. Surely you can see this?" Seren pushed. The clones froze in realization, you don't have to hunt down the child." Seren urged, however, this appeared to be the wrong move as the squad pointed their blasters at the Jedi. "He is a child, what kind of acts against the republic could he have committed?" Seren urged. "He is a Jedi and the Jedi attempted to overthrow the government." The lieutenant snapped as she pointed his weapon at the lost princess. "You mean the form of government that Palpatine did overthrow." Seren countered. "Your Highness you are in direct violation of directive 66 and you will arrest for treason against the empire and you will be executed." The lieutenant pronounced. "Trooper respectfully you don't want to do that." Seren said with a nod as she began to raise her hands to her head. "I think I do." The clone countered. A trooper came forwards with cuffs in his hands. Seren released a huff, whipped out her saber, and slammed the hilt forward into the trooper's face. The blaster fire rained down upon the Jedi immediately. Seren jumped up and spun in the air as her saber activated, her feet landed on the ground and she began to deflect the bolts back into the clone's form. The bolts hit true into necks and chests. Seren rushed forwards towards the lieutenant and swiped her saber through the man's torso, the trooper fell to the ground in half. Seren blocked the bolts as she rushed at the trooper beside her and plunged her saber through his head. Her orange saber glowed fiercely as she charged at the second in command, the last one standing, Seren jumped into the air with her saber held above her head. She came down upon the man and sliced through him before he had time to fire. Seren looked over the remains and let out a shaking sigh. Grief struck Seren as she looked over the remains of the men. "Ni vercopa gar cuyir an remembered." (I hope you are all remembered) Seren spoke as she deactivated her saber and looked over their remains. She spotted a trooper who was struggling to breathe while blood bubbled at his lips. Seren walked over to the trooper and knelt before gently moving him into her lap. His silver hair shined in the moonlight, reminding Seren of a ghost of the past. She grimaced in pain at the thought that what if that was how Crosshair died, what if she would be the one to kill him? "I'm sorry." the trooper gasped. "The voices.....they made me." The trooper hissed out in pain. "It's okay, what is your name, so that I may remember you." Seren inquired with a serene look on her face. The trooper's eyes widened at her and he began to raise his arm only for it to begin to shake, before collapsing. Seren spotted his arms and reached down to pick them up. The man's fingers tightened around her arm and he looked at her in confusion. "Why...would you want to" He began before his face twisted in pain. "Because you remind me of someone, I knew and I know enough of your culture to know that you must be remembered." Seren confessed. " name is Sinker." He gasped out. "Very well Sinker, I shall utter your name every day." Seren affirmed as she held the man in her arms. "I'm sorry for killing you." Seren apologized. Sinker let out a quiet laugh as he leaned into Seren's frame. "It's okay." Sinker assured. Just then Seren felt a tug in the force and knew the man in her arms was weakening. "General?" He questioned with half-lidded eyes. Seren bit her lips and closed her eyes as she held onto his hand. "The nightmares....they're over." He breathed out before releasing a quiet exhale. Seren held onto his hand, even after he had gone limp. Tears coursed down her cheeks as she released a quiet breath before opening her eyes. There staring off into the distance, laid Sinker dead in her arms. Seren gently set down his arm onto Sinker's chest and lifted her hand to close his eyes. "Rest well, you have done your duty." She breathed out as she gently lowered him into the snow. She turned towards the cave and walked into it. Seren made a scooping motion and summoned a blue flame to ignite in the palm of her hand. "Caleb?" Seren spoke, the cave walls made her bounce about. "NALU" Seren called out and shortly after the cat bounded into the cave. "Thanks, girl, we will need to leave right after this." Seren explained. "Ggget awwwway." A shaking voice hissed out. Seren held her hand out further and forced it to glow brighter. "Hello there." Seren spoke. "Llleeve." The boy growled. Seren took off her belt and shoulder armor before taking off the thick tunic. "Your master asked me to take you away." Seren proclaimed. The boy lifted his head to look at the red-haired Jedi. His teal blue eyes met her deep blue ones, and a violent shiver ran down his back. "My master is dead." He croaked out. "She has become one with the force, yes, but if you listen hard enough you can still hear her." Seren reasoned as she placed back on her belt and shoulder armor. "Here little one, you need to get warm." Seren added as she stepped forwards with her tattered tunic held out. Caleb's eyes flashed to the hilt dangling at her hip. "Are you a Jedi?" Caleb asked. "I am." She admitted as she stepped closer to the Padawan. "Don't worry, my padawan and I will take you away from here." Seren assured as she wrapped the tunic around the masterless padawan. She picked up the freezing child and held him in her arms. She climbed up onto the feline's saddle and pulled the hood over her head. She snapped the cat's reins and raced off away from the cave.

Time Skip
The commander bearing grey and white armor approached the scene. Troopers lay disfigured on the ground. Wolffe looked amongst the fallen until he spotted his brother Sinker. The carefully laid hand on his chest, his eyes closed, and helmet laid beside his head. "Who did this?" A trooper asked as he walked around. Wolffe touched the cylinder wound in his chest and allowed his tears to fall. "A Jedi." Wolffe spat out.

Time skip
The sun's earliest beams of light glowed in the sky as Seren approached the ship. The gangplank extended as the padawan laid his head on Seren's chest. "Buir you found him." Boba proclaimed. "Yes, but he is weakened, hyperthermic, and starving." Seren proclaimed as she hurried to her quarters. Nalu climbed up onto the large bed and left a space open for the boy. Seren took off the blankets and sheets before laying the boy down on the bed. She gently rested his head on Nalu's stomach. Nalu lifted her head and sniffed the boy's face before licking his cheeks. She force-grabbed the medical pack and pulled out an IV from the bag, she grabbed the nutrient packet and connected it to the IV tubes. She carefully pushed the needle into the vein in his arm then wrapped a bandage around the IV to keep it in place. Then she pulled the sheets and a thick blanket up to his chin. "Rest well young one," Seren whispered. She looked at her feline friend and placed her hands on her hips. "Watch him please, let me know when he wakes up." Seren requested. The cat blinked her eyes at her friend and then continued to nuzzle the boy's face. Seren walked out of the bedroom to face her padawan who was wrapped in a big fluffy orange blanket. "Well good morning my padawan, how did you sleep?" Seren beamed. The young girl hurried up to her master and leaned into her stomach. "I just fell asleep." The girl grumbled tiredly. Seren wrapped her arms around her padawan and frowned. "Aww, what happened?" Seren asked. "I was worried about you," Reva confessed. Seren slowly scratched her back and then looked at the exhausted form of Boba, before sighing. "Aww did I frighten you both?" Seren asked. Boba rubbed his eyes tiredly and Reva nodded her head. "Well why don't you both go move some of the mattresses into my room and we will all bunk in there? "Wait can we do what my father and I used to do and pile?" Boba asked excitedly. "If you both want that then yes." Seren agreed. "YES!" The pair cheered and then hurried away. Seren smiled after them before she walked into the cockpit. She sat down in the pilot's seat and engaged a single pilot. The ship's engines powered to life and then she piloted the ship up into the air seamlessly. Keeping a steady incline she moved the ship into outer space, before leaping into hyperspace. Seren set the ship to autopilot for no particular location and then rose from her seat. She walked into the common area of the ship to see the communications table that was doubled as a gaming table. The curved yellow sofa surrounding it, the gallery beside the entry to the bunk room with the refresher beside Seren's quarters. Seren wordlessly walked into her quarters and saw Boba and Reva making themselves comfortable on the two twin beds. Seren smiled down at her adopted ade and sat down on the bed. The two teens immediately swarmed her and curled into her side. Seren wrapped her arms around the two kids. Sleep pulled at her eyelids and Seren allowed them to drift shut in this precious, special moment of peace.

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