Reforming the Yandere pt 2

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My dog at 1:45 am

You closed the door on your car

Letting the your phone rec connect to your earbuds

Everytime you drove to the mental hospital you listened to this song multiple times because you related to story it's about.

Much like how Roger Waters and David Gilmour wrote the song about Syd Barrett's mental health struggles you related that to Emmi, you loved your girlfriend dearly it's you wished she could be with you all the time but you knew it was for the best and at least you got to see her

It was a year that you couldn't see you then they'd let you visit in sessions with security for the past few months you can have a visit session without security.

Slowly but surely you could tell she was improving you also have gotten well aquatinted with her primary doctor Dr. Loomis one of the top yandere experts in the country

You were carrying a large box and were being examined by security.

You: Ahh Doctor!!!

Dr Loomis: Ahh Y/n my boy how have you been!!

You: Doing well just here to see Emmi and I got the present that follows the guidelines!

Loomis: excellent now I have some big news to tell you just don't tell Emmi.

You: Yeah what is it?

Loomis: Well because she has mostly tamed her violent yandere tendencies plus here's a bigger discovery we gave her blood work and a physical her first tests were inaccurate the yandere gene is recessive not dominant!

a Japanese Scientist at the World Health Organization discovered that there is a quote Yandere Gene. It has something to do with how back in the cavemen days when sex was more scarce the yandere gene evolved so that woman could fight tigers or something anyway as society developed. Much like other parts of the human geonome it became vestigial.

It acts similar to addiction genes or depression genes having the yandere gene or the others mentioned doesn't mean your guaranteed to be depressed or a junkie, or a yandere your chances are heightened.

You:Wait but Emmi is still a yandere right?

Loomis: yes most certainly but even though the gene is recessive in her it still manifests its self most of her family probably has it but it never manifests itself but something about Emmi did.

You: how does this happen.

Loomis: I might be able to convince the courts to give her home treatment or house arrest.

You: Your kidding, you'd really do that?!?!

Loomis: Your girlfriend has had a miraculous turnaround she's going to be a yandere forever but what usually takes some of my patients decades to even scratch the service of Emmi has done in only a year and a half. It gives me hope these women and men can have a second chance in the world

You: Please I'd really appreciate if you could do that.

Loomis: I will try but please don't tell her I don't want to make promises I can't keep

You: I won't Doc

Loomis: Open Patient Room 123!!

Buzz!! Kerchunk

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