The characters of my fantasy book.

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This is another project I've been working on in my spare time

Characters of my fantasy story

So I'm 18 and I don't know what I want to do with my life yay!!!

So to feel like I'm productive I've been working on a lil book.

It's called the Wishing Stars.

It's influenced by some of my favorite classic adventures like The Hobbit, Jim Henson's work, the Legend of Zelda, Alice in wonderland, mythology Roald Dahl, and Paper Mario.

I'm even working on an accompanying soundtrack

In short a synopsis is Young Adult Benji is wisked away onto an adventure in this weird fantasy world he fell into called Terra.   The Different groups of people in Terra constantly divide themselves on the basis of species and race, culture, pettiness, and everyone has only gotten more bitter with the Genocide of Humans 700 year prior led by the Half Elf king Tudor which the human population has never really recovered from.

But Benji will lead an Unlikely band of heroes to collect the magical macguffans the wishing Stars to get Benji home before Tudor's great great great great etc grandson count Raymond gets ahold of them.

But here are the Party Members.


Appearance:Lanky and  6 foot 2  round curly hair.

Clothes: A Halfling's Cloak that is way to small for him.  (It only goes down to his shoulder blades)   A t shirt and khakis.
His sword is dull and because it's a halfling's sword it's only a little bigger than Peter Pans Dagger.

Backstory: Bored with life and lonely he goes through his post school life workin away in a store one day after he goes to his Grams house to help do her yard work well he ends up in Terra.

Only armed with his knowledge and admiration of the classic Hero's, (Robinhoods, Spider-Man's, Luke Skywalkers)  he must lead the party and omg try to make friends.

Even though he's quite shy and very lacking in the confidence department he fakes it till he makes its attempting to give witty and sarcastic remarks letting his compassion and conscience be a motivator.


Appearance: Bright big eyes, standing at 2ft 8,  Silky hair.

Clothes: Overalls, A Halfling's cloak (that if anything is too big) and Birken stocks.

Back Story: Timid and even more shy than Benji, Termi finds Benji In a field near his village after he fell out of the sky.

He agrees to accompany Benji on the quest feeling in Benji's Debt for saving the village.

Usually he will end up hiding behind Benji like a small child but later is trained by a group of assassins gaining ninja like skill.

Termi is very inspired by the stories of earths heroes that Benji will tell.

Termi is also the Party's cook.


Appearance: 8ft tall,patches of her skin is scaly shiny sharp teeth, has a patch of red skin that flares up like an Anole Lizard when she gets mad or excited.
Her skin is tinted and tanned with an orangish golden tan color

Dragon Form: her skin becomes scales, she grows to 20ft tall becomes quadrupedal, her wings double as hands.
Breaths fire, her scales are the colors of Gold and purple cause she is fabulous!!!

Clothes: She wears a dress made of the shiniest gold and gems that have been trimmed into threds and silk. melds into her skin when she is in dragon form.


Edna is a dragonkin a race of people that are mainly human but long ago according to legend there ancestors were half human and dragon. Some even retain the  ability to become a dragon.

Edna is old really old 700 years in fact.

She was hatched in Tudors Vault to guard his treasure his vault of gold and jewels. But through 7 centuries she's was mostly asleep. Only waking up occasionally. Never leaving the vault.

She was there for so long that She never realized that Tudor was slain and the trolls that occupy the ruins of the castle never got the vault open.

Edna is very much obsessed with gold and riches wanting to look pretty and fabulous all the time. (But really she's just really insecure) she joins the party after Benji says she's can prolly use the wishing stars to wish for even more treasure. She's quite sassy and can get aggressive.

Through the journey however she grows attached to her new friends and realizes that there is more to life than gold and jewels and she's fabulous with them or without. She's the muscle of the group.


Appearance: 4ft 4... that's really it's he's kinda covered head to toe. Beady little green eyes and gloved hands hidden by robes.

Clothes: He wears a multicolored robe, pink with red stripes, green and yellow dots scattered about. With a hood.


Mel is a Magikin a society of wicked wizards!!! The society though is very conformist not out of hatred but out of survival
Magikin are born into a school of magic based on there robe color, red for healing, blue for destruction magic, white for light magic and constructions. The robe color marks what magic your good with and your stuck with it.

Unfortunately for Mel he was born with a multicolored robe and the different schools of magic refuse to teach him.

So based on what little he knows instead of being proficient in one school of magic he knows a few bits and pieces of all three. He joins the party because he wants to feel useful to someone. I'm saying that he's kinda like the brainy Smurf of the group.


Appearance: 5ft 4  pale light grey skin, red eyes, little fangs that sometimes poke out from her lips. Hair is braided into a tail behind her head

Clothes: a red violet overcoat with white trousers and black boots and a tricorne hat. A strap for her musket, on her hips are little satchels for musket and powder. She has a little knapsack with title cards with common words and jars of moisturizer and lotion for her skin.

Around her neck is a little silver whistle,

Backstory: Esmeralda is mute. Not that she can't talk she just doesn't want to. She is a vampire marksman, who hunts for her vampire village.

Esmeralda yearns to explore the world to kill the bad reputation that vampires get.

She likes to be the caboose of the group always standing behind everyone else.

So what do you all think.

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