Pokemon Story 1

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So basically I've been playing Brilliant diamond and it's really sparked my love of that generation and Pokémon in general cause Platinum was my first game way back in 2010.

So basically this is gonna be the Sinnoh version of that other Pokémon story I wrote way back when

All the characters are 18.

One day in there was a boy from twin leaf town in the year 2010

A young boy was watching the Pokémon contests in heart home city.

You: Go Fantina!!!' Ghost Pokémon rock!

You made the hang out sign. 🤙🤙

Mom: Hey honey you enjoying the show?

You: This is the best day ever mom!!!!

Later post show.

You and your mom were walking to the train station to head home. When suddenly.

Mom: Y/n goddammit get your ass back here!

You saw someone dropped a bracelet.

You Ran over chasing the woman.

You tugged on her sleeve.

You: Excuse me ma'm you dropped your..

You paused and looked up it was the ghost type gym leader fantina!!

You: Your your Fantina!

Your mom finally caught up to you.

Mom: Y/n dammit I'm so sorry my son he can get.

Fantina: Oh no there is no problem here your son was returning my bracelet I dropped. Thank you Y/n is it?

You: Yes Ma'm!

Fantina: Might I interest you all for some tea at my house?

Mom: I'd love to take you up on that offer but we must.

Fantina: Nonsense I insist I have access to my personal helicopter! Come come!

Time skip.

You: Wow your house is is so. Oddly spooky but cool!

Fantina *pinches your cheek* this one keeps cracking me up.


You: Hey what's that?

You walked towards the dumpster.

Mom: Y/n don't go there your gonna get scabies!

You: A Pokémon it's hurt!!!!

You picked it up it was a little white blob with yellow eyes.

Fantina: Is that a Litwick? What is it doing here? They are native to unova come bring it inside quickly.

You sat it down on a table.

Fantina:hmm? I know! Dusksclops!!!

A mummy cyclops walked into the room.

Fantina held out a match.

Fantina: Will o the wisp!!

Duskclops shot a small fire ball at the match.

Fantina just bent down and placed the blue flame onto the wick of the litwick.

The Litwick darted up and was good as new.

Fantina blew our the match and waved it.

Fantina: There good as new. He seems to have taken a shining you.

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