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*A few days later*

Jun can be seen in the Dragon's Lair

"Yes, they are fantastic." she says to someone. "Many so-called myths are actually real stories, or at least based on them." she informs. "And we can use those stories to better understand dragons." she explains. "In that spirit, Mom, I hope you'll consider me as a trusted advisor in the quest to learn more about these great creatures." she tells her mom hopefully, opening her arms and closing her eyes.

She then opens her eyes

"How was that?" she enquires.

We then see that she wasn't talking to her mom, but to the other group members

"Woo-hoo-hoo!" Ryu cheers for her.

D'Angelo applauds to her

"That was great!" Tom praises.

"That was on point!" D'Angelo praises as he stops applauding.

"You crushed it." Alex praises.

"Yeah." Eugene says, agreeing with the other members as the group and their dragons turn to him. "You almost convinced me." he tells his little sister. "I mean, almost." he adds.

Webmaster looks at his rider & friend before looking at Jun and snarling softly

"No, that was perfect." Ryu reassures.

"You sure it was okay?" Jun asks him. "N-not too fast?" she questions. "Maybe another practice round?" she suggests.

"Don't worry. You're gonna nail it." Ryu tells her reassuringly, waving his hand down.

Jun sighs softly

"I hope so." she says quietly. "I just wanna show my mom once and for all that studying myths hasn't been a big waste of time." she explains, voicing her thoughts.

"If this doesn't win her over, nothing will." Ryu states.

"Knowing Mrs. Wong, it's probably "nothing will"."" Alex remarks.

Ryu glares at her as Thunder grumbles softly, looking at her. Seeing Ryu's glare, causes her to understand

"I think you've got this in the bag." Alex encourages Jun, pretending to be optimistic and giving her a double thumbs up.

Ryu & Thunder then look at Jun as the Night Light chirps softly. Jun then exhales to calm her nerves

"Okay. It's go time." she says to herself.

She starts to grunt as she begins to do knee raises, followed by punching the air to her left, pumping herself up

"Who's got what it takes?" she asks as she turns to the right. "You've got what it takes!" she answers loudly, punching the air again and doing a right front kick. "Hahaha!" she laughs loudly. "Yeah!" she shouts, pulling back her arms.

She then sees the confused & surprised looks of D'Angelo & Plowhorn, Tom & Switchblade, Thunder and Alex & Feathers. Meanwhile, Ryu is looking at her with a smile, happy to see his girlfriend so excited

"Doesn't everybody get amped up by fighting shadow demons?" she asks them.

Thunder lets out a confused purr while D'Angelo, Tom & Alex glance at each other

Dragons: The Nine Realms (Jun Wong x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now