Dragons Everywhere!

241 8 31

*1 month later*

We get a view of Rakke Town. It's a warm and sunny day. The snow has disappeared and all seems well. Chief Baker leaves his dome, inhales some nice fresh air and lets out a content sigh with a smile on his face. He grunts softly as he stretches a bit. He starts walking to the station while holding his right shoulder as Hazel & Carla are behind him and both laugh softly at each other as they walk to the station as well. May Wong exits her dome, already focused on something on a clipboard, as she walks toward the station. The workers at ICARIS can be seen walking around Rakke Town, doing their jobs. A dark-skinned bald worker in a red suit hums softly while doing something on his phone while walking past some bushes. Suddenly, a sheep, with its back and a little bit of its sides shaved, bursts outta the bushes, bleating loudly

"Hey! Oh!" the dark-skinned bald worker exclaims, startled and jumps a little.

The sheep gets back up before baaing and running off

The dark-skinned bald worker shrugs it off, going back to his phone, when suddenly an orange-reddish Terrible Terror bursts outta the same bushes, shrieking loudly as it flies after the sheep

"Ah!" the dark-skinned bald worker exclaims, again being startled and making him jump back more.

The orange-reddish Terrible Terror chases after the sheep. Said sheep looks back to see the small dragon, causing it to bleat loudly in fear while the Terrible Terror squawks at the sheep. May hums softly to herself, not knowing a sheep followed by a Terrible Terror is coming in her direction.

"Hm?" she hums, confused, hearing the bleating & squawking.

As she turns to look in the direction of the sound, she sees the sheep, followed by the Terrible Terror heading straight for her

"Ah!" May exclaims loudly, seeing the sheep running straight at her and throwing the clipboard in the air.

The sheep bleats loudly, seeing her, stops running and tries to come to a stop so as not to hit her, but because the sheep was running so fast, its paws skidded along the ground. As May screams, preparing to feel the collision between her and the sheep, Philip Baker leaps in, tackling May Wong outta the way, grunting loudly as he does so. When May Wong gets tackled by Phil, her hat flies straight up in the air. Meanwhile, because the sheep was trying to come to a stop, it accidentally did a front roll before getting back up on its 4 paws and continuing to run away from the Terrible Terror, who's still chasing after said sheep. May Wong coughs softly from the dust and from being tackled like that as her hat lands on the ground

"What a way to start the morning." she remarks, annoyed. "Where is this Dragon Whisperer when you need him?" she asks sarcastically as she and Philip get up from the ground while picking up her hat.

Right as she said this, Ryu & Thunder fly past her at high speed, hitting her hat

"Watch out!" he warns loudly.

This causes May Wong to yelp as she tries to keep a hold of her hat. Then Tom & Switchblade fly past her

"Move outta the way!" he shouts.

Then Jun flies past them from behind Phil, sitting on Wu's saddle

"Dragon on the loose!" she says loudly.

Then D'Angelo flies past May Wong

"Coming through!" he says loudly.

Then Alex flies past them from behind Phil

Dragons: The Nine Realms (Jun Wong x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now