Punishment and Torcher

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"Ryu?" Olivia asks her son.

This surprises Ryu, seeing his mom in the lair and causing him to gasp in shock & surprise. Ryu then backs up to Thunder

"Um..." Ryu begins as he glances at Thunder. "Mom!" he greets her loudly before letting out a short nervous laugh.

Thunder just lets out a sheepish growl

Present time:

Ryu can see the frightened expression on his mom's face while she's breathing heavily and looking at Thunder

"Mom... Hi!" Ryu says to her.

"What is that?! What is it?!" Olivia asks fearfully, pulling Ryu to her and putting him behind her to protect him. "Get away! Go! Get out of here!" she yells at him, trying to shoo Thunder away and trying to scare him off.

Thunder just growls and purrs softly as he raises his right front paw, thinking Olivia is trying to play with him

"No, it's fine! Stop! Please! Just... Just calm down!" Ryu tells her loudly, getting in front of her.

"What?! Calm down?! Don't you see what that is?!" Olivia asks her eldest son, shocked & confused. "It's a..." she begins as they look back at Thunder, who just lets out a happy growl. "Wow. It's an actual..." she continues, amazed. "That!" she shouts, not knowing what Thunder is. "What is that?!" she inquires.

"Okay! Mom, Mom." Ryu responds softly, walking backward toward Thunder. "This is Thunder." Ryu says to her, introducing his mom to Thunder as he gestures to Thunder.

Thunder purrs as he nuzzles his head into Ryu

"Thunder, this is my mom." Ryu says to him, introducing him to his mom as he gestures to her.

Thunder stands properly and lets out a happy growl at Olivia

"Thunder is a--" Olivia begins to say.

"A dragon." Ryu finishes. "Yes. Thunder is a dragon." he confirms for her.

Ryu looks at Thunder as he pets the right side of Thunder's face, causing him to purr softly

"Wait, you named it?" Olivia asks his eldest son in surprise, gesturing to Thunder. "He named you?" she asks Thunder, looking at him and gesturing to Ryu.

"Of course!" Ryu answers as if it's self-evident. "He's my best friend." he explains, looking at Thunder before looking back at his mom. "And I know that sounds weird." he admits. "I was just as shocked as you are when I first saw him." he tells her. "But, come on. This is the find of the century!" he reminds his mom as Thunder leans forward and purrs softly. "Maybe of all time." he adds. "Come on, Mom. He's a real dragon." he says to her, gesturing to Thunder. "You have to admit, th-this is cool." he continues, trying to reason with her.

Thunder lets out another happy growl at Olivia

"It is." Olivia admits as she holds out her hand to Thunder.

Olivia looks at her eldest son, who glances at Thunder before nodding at his mom and silently telling her that she can pet Thunder. This makes Olivia consider petting Thunder, but she's too upset with Ryu's lies as she gasps and pulls her hand back

"No. No, Ryu!" Olivia refuses. "I am not letting you sweet talk your way out of this one." she tells him lividly.

This startles both Ryu & Thunder

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