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The audience sees the Kullersen dome at night

They see Ryu shaking around in his bed, having a nightmare, as he is seeing flashes of the Fault Ripper

3rd person dream p.o.v.:

Ryu is remembering when he was being dragged down by the Fault Ripper

He pulls out his small pickaxe and hits it against the claws of the Fault Ripper

He lets go of him & Thunder as they fly up a bit as it continues to fall down the fissure

The Fault Ripper catches himself and starts to fly towards them again

"Thunder, light him up." Ryu tells Thunder, pointing at the Fault Ripper.

Thunder starts preparing a lightning stream. Suddenly the dragon stops and flies in place, making a confused grunt as Ryu can see its milky pupils

Ryu is confused as to why he stopped doing anything

Suddenly, Thunder hits him with a lightning stream as the Fault Ripper widens its milky pupils. It gets hit by the lightning, roars, and plummets into the depths of the fissure.

3rd person real p.o.v.:

Ryu woke up with a gasp as he woke up from the intense nightmare

He looked at his little brother, hoping he didn't wake him up; luckily, he was still asleep

He then looked at his Viking helmet, which has the same symbol as Thunder left on the rock formation at the lair

*Later that evening*

After school, the group decided to put sensors in place that would warn them if a dragon came too close to the fatal spots, which could cause an earthquake again

They were all flying through the hidden world holding a sensor pole, but Ryu's mind was still on the flashback/nightmare he had last night

Suddenly, D'Angelo flies past him, gaining the group's attention

"Watch out! Coming through!" he yells as he throws the sensory pole. "Bullseye!" he yells, cheering to himself. "Tom! You're up!" he yells to Tom.

Tom throws his sensory pole

"Jun, your turn." he tells her.

Jun throws her sensory pole as well, lodging it into the ground as she turns to look at Ryu

"Alright, Ryu." she says to him.

She sees him staring at the sensory pole

"You're gonna stare at it all day or throw it?" she asks him, gaining his attention.

"Right. Yeah. Come on, bud." Ryu tells her and then looks at Thunder.

Ryu makes him land where they have to put the sensory pole and slam it into the ground

"Sensors in place, perimeter set." D'Angelo announces. "How we looking, Alex?" he asks, turning to look at Alex on Feathers, who's looking at her tablet.

"They're connected and..." she begins as she drags it out, looking at her tablet. "...synced." she finishes as she looks at her tablet, seeing the red dots turn green. "These sensors will create a nice virtual barrier to warn us if any dragons get too close to the fissure." she explains.

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