Break in Case of Emergency

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*A few days later*

The group is at the station as they watch their parents & Sledkin prepare to leave for a night for the "ICARIS Leadership Success Series". May, Carla & Hazel are already on the helicopter

"Let's go! Everybody in!" Chief Baker says loudly. "ICARIS Leadership Success Series starts at 1500 hours." he informs the other parents & Sledkin, looking at a clipboard.

Sledkin walks to him

"Let me just say again that this is a waste." she says to him, voicing her thoughts. "I don't need to spend 6 hours doing trust falls in a hotel ballroom to be good at my job." she explains, annoyed, before getting on the helicopter.

"Thank you, Dr. Sledkin." Chief Baker says to her sarcastically.

He then turns to Olivia as they smile at each other. She then turns to the group

"We should be back early tomorrow, so we are expecting you all to be on your best behavior." she informs them while Chief Baker looks at them impassively. "What does that mean?" she quizzes them.

"Uh, stay out of the lab areas." Ryu answers unsurely.

"And clean up after ourselves." Tom adds.

"I think that's about it." Ryu guesses.

Eugene then steps forward and places his left hand on Ryu's left shoulder, pulling on it. This causes Ryu to look at him

"I believe the answer she's looking for is "no dragons on the surface while they're away."." Eugene tells him before looking at Olivia and Philip Baker, putting his hands behind his back.

"It's not that we don't trust you." Olivia begins. "It's just this is still all new to us and smart as they are, the dragons are still wild animals." she tells them. "Dragons down below is one thing, but up here?" she asks rhetorically. "Around our state-of-the-art science facility?" she questions.

"So we can hang with them in the lair?" Jun asks suggestively.

"Um..." Olivia replies hesitantly. "Let's give the dragons a break while we're gone, okay?" she requests.

With that, she walks away and gets on the helicopter

"And as chief of security, I don't want to risk anything happening while I'm not here to handle it." Chief Baker adds. "We clear?" he asks sternly.

"Crystal clear." D'Angelo answers for the group, walking forward. "No dragons until you get back." he says to him.

"Frankly, Mr. Baker, I am grateful to have such clear guidelines while you're gone." Eugene tells Chief Baker while resting his left arm on D'Angelo's right shoulder, causing him to look questionably at the older teen.

"If everyone has their babysitters set up, can we go?" Sledkin whines loudly, getting impatient.

Chief Baker turns to look at her as Carla & Hazel look at her as well

"Let's get this over with." Sledkin says.

Chief Baker then turns back to the group

"D, a word?" he asks his son.

D'Angelo walks forward to his dad, causing Eugene to fall face-first to the ground, which causes him to yelp. Tom & Jun smile at this

While Chief Baker has a word with his son, Eugene has gotten back up to talk to Ryu. The rest of the group sees Chief Baker walk away and get on the helicopter as they walk up to D'Angelo. They can hear the helicopter starting to whir as the rotor blades spin rapidly. Eventually, the helicopter takes off and flies away. They wave at the helicopter as it flies outta view and the sound of it fades away. Jun takes Ryu's hand as they walk to Rakke Town

Dragons: The Nine Realms (Jun Wong x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now