First Flight: Part 2

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They hit their flashlights against their hand trying to turn them on again. After a while they were able to get them on again

They backed away from the creatures as they were coming closer

"For some reason they are afraid of light. That's interesting." Ryu thinks to himself.

They were growling, screeching and hitting the light and eventually they flew away

Tom sighs in relief, happy that he wasn't hurt

Ryu & Tom turn off their flashlights again and start climbing the fissure

Eventually they hit a loose rock and started falling

They started screaming in terror since they thought they were falling to their death until they felt something catch them

Ryu saw 1 of the creatures holding his feet in its paws and the other creature holding his brother's feet with its paws

The creature flipped Ryu over, so that it held him by the torso and Ryu saw the other creature do the same to Tom

They flew a bit higher and started flying around the fissure, Ryu stayed calm while his brother continued screaming

After a while they flew them into a cave and set them down

They turned on their flashlights to look at 2 creatures, but they covered themselves with their wings and started growling & screeching angrily

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, okay! Hey, hey, hey, stop! Stop! Stop." Tom says quickly.

The 2 creatures started approaching them

"You're alright. You're alright." Ryu says calmly to the 2 creatures.

They kept growling and screeching at the light like they were mortally afraid of it

"We're not gonna hurt you, just don't hurt us." Tom says shining the flashlight on his hand.

They shined the flashlight to the ground and waiting for something to happen

The 2 creatures walked into the light slowly

Once they were fully into the light Ryu & Tom could see better how they looked like, and it amazed them how the 2 creatures looked

"What are you? Where did you come from? Why am I asking questions?" Tom asks out loud.

"They seem familiar, like I've seen them before." Ryu  says in curiosity getting a strange familiar feeling like he was connected to the creature that shot the lightning stream.

The creature that grabbed him earlier looked like this

The creature that grabbed him earlier looked like this

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