Follow the lightning Part 2

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Thunder starts sniffing a set of dragon footprints before snarling and grumbling

"I just don't get it." Ryu tells the group. "Why would Thunder leave me and come all the way out here just to get into a fight?" he asks out loud in wonder.

"Guess he keeps secrets, too. No wonder you guys get along." Alex tells him stingily.

"There is way too much lightning scoring for just Thunder. Something else here was blasting lightning, too." D'Angelo explains to Ryu, Alex and Tom.

"Ryu! Check it out!" Jun calls out catching their attention. "There are two sets of dragon tracks." she tells them. "These look like Thunder's and head off in this direction." she explains as she points to her right. "The others go into the cave." she continues pointing ahead.

Thunder snorts, growls and snarls

"Thunder's family. That's it!" Ryu yells out realizing what's going on. "The lightning we were chasing must have been a battle between Thunder's family and the other dragon in there." he explains to the group.

"Oh man. That thing must be pretty tough if it was strong enough to knock out Thunder and chase off his family." D'Angelo says seriously.

"Well, there's only 1 dragon I can think of that fits these descriptions and tracks, I just hope I'm wrong." Ryu informs the group while remembering a chapter in his Book of Dragons.

Thunder growls a bit while starting to walk forward

"Wait! Bud!" Ryu yells out to his dragon trying to get his attention. "Where are you going?" he asks as he follows him.

A few steps later, Thunder stops and growls harshly

"That's a revenge growl." Alex says informing the group.

She sees the confused look the rest of the group is giving her

"What? I know my growls." she says justifying herself.

"Thunder?" Ryu asks concerned.

He looks back at the group

"Like I said, Ryu. You go, we go." Jun says to him as she starts to follow Thunder.

"Even if you keep secrets." D'Angelo adds starting to follow after Thunder.

"And you don't deserve us." Alex retorts.

Ryu looks down a bit upset feeling guilty before continuing to follow Thunder

Tom puts a hand on his big brother's shoulder

"Hey, I'll always be here for you, brother." Tom says to him. "I'm with you till the end of the line." he says smiling at him as they continue to follow Thunder.

The group walks in the dark tunnel for a while

"Can you see anything?" Jun asks Ryu.

"Yeah. There's a light up ahead." Ryu tells her seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.

Once the group is outta the tunnel they look around the new discovered part of the Hidden World

"Oh... Wow..." they all say in wonder and amazement.

"What is this place?" Jun asks in wonder. "It's amazing." she says excitedly.

"Okay, we've seen it. Can we head back?" Alex states unenthusiastically.

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