Dragons of the Undead

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*The group is in the Visitor's Center as Mrs. Baker is giving a presentation*

"Public speaking." Mrs. Baker announces.

"Yeah!" D'Angelo yells excitedly.

"Cool." Jun adds.

"Interesting." Ryu says.

"As we've been discussing, in our modern age, with smart phones, video blogs, and social media, learning to speak in public has become a lost art." she continues, explaining it to the group.

"That's why, class, for your next assignment, you're all going to give a speech in front of the entire station." she tells them.

"Ooh! Ooh!" Jun says excitedly, raising her hand.

"Yes, Jun?" Mrs. Baker asks, gesturing her hand toward her.

"How long should the speeches be, Mrs. Baker?" Jun asks D'Angelo's mom.

"No more than 3 minutes, Jun." Mrs. Baker informs her. "Now I know public speaking will be easy for some of you, but for others..." she continues, dragging it out. "Where did Alex go?" she asks the rest of the group, not seeing Alex.

They see that Alex is no longer sitting in between D'Angelo & Jun as the group looks around for her

"She did that thing where she disappears. Like the wind. Whoosh." D'Angelo tells his mom, waving his hands in a wind motion.

"Alex isn't into public speaking." Jun discloses to Mrs. Baker.

"Of course, she's not. She's the wind. Whoosh..." D'Angelo responds, waving his hands in a wind motion again, making Jun chuckle at his antics.

No, D'Angelo, it's because she's an introverted and shy person." Ryu says to him matter-of-factly.

"Okay, everyone, that's it for today. Practice those speeches! They can be about whatever interests you, and when Alex reappears, remind her to practice, too." Mrs. Baker explains and tells the rest of the group.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Baker." Ryu tells her politely. "Alex is probably still in the Visitor's Center, so I'm sure she heard what you just said." he explains to her.

"Okay, Ryu. If you say so." Mrs. Baker says while smiling.

*Sometime later*

The group was now in the Dragon's Lair, practicing their presentations

"Now, buckle up, wing nuts. I'm about to share with you the life and legend of Chuck Yeager, the greatest aviator to strap on a helmet. Ha!" Tom says, starting his presentation as D'Angelo already applauds for him, and Switchblade lets out a confused screech, tilting his head.

Next was Ryu

"Hello, ICARIS." Ryu begins. "I'm gonna do my presentation about the Viking age." he explains.

Thunder let out a happy growl, understanding what his rider said

After Ryu's presentation was Jun

She gets up, walks in front of the group, and clears her throat

"Behold. Photographic evidence of..." she begins in a mysterious voice, dragging it out. "... the Chupacabra." she reveals, showing a blurry photo.

Plowhorn lets out a sleepy grumble as Ryu facepalms at what she chose for her presentation

"Jun..." he says while sighing.

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