Fault Ripper

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*A few days later*

Ryu & Tom were sleeping in their beds in the room they shared until they got woken up by a large earthquake

Suddenly, their mom opened the door to their room while leaning against the door frame

"Tom, Ryu! Come on! Come on! Come on!" she says quickly.

They got outta bed, Ryu lets Tom lean against the other side of the door frame while he leaned against the wall next to him

"This one's got an attitude!" Tom tells them.

"I hope the others of our group and the dragons are okay." Ryu thinks to himself. "Yeah, I hope everyone else is okay though, too." he says out loud.

After a while it, stopped

Their mom sighed in relief when it did

"Thankfully, domes are the strongest structures on earth." she explains to her sons.

Suddenly a red alarm went off as it blares loudly

"What does that mean?" Ryu & Tom ask their mom.

Their mom ignores them and just narrows her eyes in a glare

A few minutes later, they went back to bed

*Next morning*

They were now in the ICARIS Visitor's Center as Ryu's & Tom's mom explains what happened last night

"Unlike most quakes, the epicenter of ours moves in a line, activating faults as it goes. Usually down the fissure away from ICARIS. But this last quake, shifted the ground directly beneath us, and another quake, could fracture the wall, dropping ICARIS and Rakke Town into the chasm...." she explains to everyone while showing it on the hologram and for some reason she made a long pause. "And all of us with it." she finishes as everyone gasped.

"So what do we do?" Chief Baker inquires.

"We blow it up." she tells him firmly.

"That's crazy. You're crazy. She's crazy." the worker called Linda says to Olivia.

"Linda. Olivia's last crazy idea predicted this fissure and gave us all jobs. Crazy away, Olivia." Mrs. Wong tells her, defending Ryu's & Tom's mom.

"Thanks May." she says while smiling at her as she goes to explain her plan. "We sent a manned probe a couple miles into the fissure, near the end point of the last quake. Then, we blow explosives to blast that spot, and I believe that will stop whatever is causing these tremors." she finishes, explaining while showing the simulation of it.

"Seems to me that is just a faster way to collapse everything." Chief Baker says to her.

"There are no caves under the station. It's why we choose to build ICARIS on this spot. So, I believe it will remain stable. Some of the caves in the area will collapse, yes, but that won't affect us." Olivia informs him.

"The Dragon's Lair." D'Angelo whispers out loud as he gasps at what he did, putting his hand over his mouth as Ryu smacks him across the head.

"Shut up." he tells him.

"They said at Corporate, "Olivia is planning on detonating the fissure."." a new voice suddenly says as everyone turned around to see who it was. "I didn't believe it." the new voice scoffs. "I should've known better." she finishes.

Dragons: The Nine Realms (Jun Wong x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now