Magma Comes to the Surface

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It was a few days later

Alex had finally analyzed the metal of the shield

When she did, her tablet told her it was made of an unknown metal

This confirmed it for Ryu that the shield was made out of Gronckle Iron

The group was now in the Dragon's Lair testing how durable the shield is

Jun throws a stone at the shield as it just bounces off

"Fire!" Jun yells out pointing to the shield.

All the dragons fire their respective attacks at the shield

After the attacks stop, Jun goes to pick up the shield

"Not a scratch." Jun says impressed. "So far, seems like this sucker will hold up to any of our dragons' attack." she informs.

She throws it like a frisbee to D'Angelo who catches it with a grunt

"Pretty cool." he says amazed before rolling it to Ryu.

When it gets close enough, he kicks up the shield and catches the handle inside the shield with his left hand

"Come to think of it, we could all use something to defend ourselves against those Flame Throwers." he suggests. "Though unfortunately we don't have the recipe for Gronckle Iron since it wasn't in any of my dragon books and Viking books." he explains. "Now, what do you think? Am I a shield guy?" he asks the group striking a pose. "Yeah. Check it out!" he says doing some poses. "Or that. K'chow!" he continues as he holds out his fist.

This causes Jun to laugh softly at her boyfriend

"Sweet moves, Ryu." she compliments him.

"I'm unstoppable." Ryu says confidently.

Suddenly he feels himself get hit by something causing him to yelp

As he checks out what happened, he sees he's upside down and stuck to a sticky web

He struggles to free himself and realizes he's stuck to it

Soon after, Eugene can be heard laughing

"Oh, man, that was priceless!" Eugene says happily pointing to Ryu as Webmaster growls in agreement. "Did you see the look on his face?" he asks his dragon. "He was all..." he begins as he babbles and makes funny faces before he eventually snickers.

Webmaster chuckles as well finding it equally funny

They turn to see the annoyed, angry and unamused faces of the rest of the group

Thunder growls and snarls angrily at Eugene and Webmaster for what they did to his rider and best friend

"Come on, lighten up! It's just a joke." he says with a laugh trying to justify himself.

"You want to get off Provisional Rider status, but then you act this way." Jun reprimands him.

"Someone could have been hurt." D'Angelo tells him.

"Like me! Hello! Still hanging upside down here!" Ryu yells out.

Jun lets out a gasp as she worriedly looks over to her boyfriend

Thunder and Wu & Wei growl and roar loudly at Webmaster for what he did to Ryu as they walk away

Webmaster lets out a sad snarl after being reprimanded by Thunder and Wu & Wei in dragonese

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