Dr. Catastrophe

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*A few days later*

The group was flying calmly through the Silver Realm

Suddenly D'Angelo sighs happily

"It is a good day to be a Dragon Rider. Out exploring, taking in the sights." he says to the group.

"Someone's a ray of sunshine today." Jun remarks.

"What's that like?" Alex asks her.

Ryu comes up to D'Angelo's right

"Something happen, D'Angelo?" he asks him in wonder.

"Kinda, yeah. I mean, I really impressed my dad earlier when nobody else knew what to do." D'Angelo explains to the group.

"That's awesome." Tom says D'Angelo coming up to his left.

"He should be proud." Jun tells him.

"So now, I'm just leaning into those positive vibes. Enjoying the vistas. I think this place gets prettier every time we come here." D'Angelo says to the group.

Suddenly dragon gurgling and belching can be heard followed by splattering

They look down to see what it is

"Sounds like someone disagrees with you." Alex says to D'Angelo.

"I've seen those dragons before in the Fire Realm. They weren't so barfy though. Ew." D'Angelo informs the group.

The group lands the dragons

"They look like Gronckles. But I guess if they're from the Fire Realm, we can see them as subspecies and call them Fire Gronckles." Ryu explains to the group.

"Anything we should know about them, big bro?" Tom asks him.

Ryu grabs his book of dragons and goes over to the Gronckle chapter

"Well for starters, they're medium-sized dragons of the Boulder Class. They have bumps on their body, a small wing to body ratio, a clubbed tail, sharp canines and a blunt nasal horn. They come in various different colors. Their fire type is that they shoot lava blasts and eat any sort of rocks. Like all Boulder Class dragons, Gronckles have extremely strong jaws, being able to crush boulders with ease, they're able to carry large boulders in their mouth, eat them and shoot back at their enemies. It's been said that an adolescent Gronckle is able to hold 3 fully grown sheep in its mouth with ease. Gronckles have a lotta physical strength, being able to lift heavy Vikings. The Gronckle uses its brute strength as an advantage when fighting its opponents, whether they are Vikings or dragons no matter how big or small they are. It's been said though that dragons like Gronckles can get stronger over time. Another interesting fact about a Gronckle's stomach is that it is able to melt down any type of rock and metal like a forge. By mixing certain minerals and ores, it is able to create an alloy dubbed 'Gronckle Iron', which can be shaped into weapons and other things that are lighter and stronger than those made of pure iron, but I never could find the right recipe for it. When provoked, Gronckles will inhale deeply and the bumps on their bodies blast off in every direction. Interestingly enough, Gronckles are much faster on the ground than in the air. Gronckles have extremely tough scales this causes them to posses 1 of the hardest exteriors amongst dragons and giving them a layer of nearly impenetrable natural armor. Because of that they're able to withstand many attacks from enemy dragons and Vikings. A Gronckle's body is basically a weapon in itself. Because of the body of armor with bumps that they can shoot out in every direction and it'll regrow back a few moments later, sword-like teeth, sharp tusks, a club-like tail, nose horn, claws and the ability to use their head as a bludgeon. It's been said that Gronckles have a strong sense of smell. Apparently Gronckles can curl themselves up into a ball and roll themselves around for faster movement, but it can also be used in means of offense. Gronckles are able to fly backwards and basically any directions you can think of. They're also able to hover and drop in the air." he informs the group about Gronckles scrolling through the pages.

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