The Decoy

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*A few weeks later*

*The group was now getting a tour through the ICARIS building from Ryu's & Tom's mom*

"So, this is our lab where we study our discoveries." Olivia informs them.

"Hey. Never been in here before." Jun mutters to Alex, nudging her softly with her elbow.

This causes Alex to let out a stifled laugh

"The Gonzalezes are studying a specimen we recently discovered deep in the fissure." Olivia reveals to the group.

"It looks to contain a profile of deep ocean minerals." Hazel explains to them.

"Just like a sample we found years ago at the bottom of the ocean." Carla adds, looking at her wife. "You remember that, sweetie?" she asks her daughter, looking at her.

"I vaguely remember being seasick for five months." Alex replies, annoyed.

"Aw, you were such a trouper." Hazel tells her daughter, pinching her cheeks. "Hm..." she concludes as she hugs her daughter.

"Now I'm mortified." Alex admits.

"And over here is our prized find." Olivia suddenly says. "We discovered this specimen on our latest dig." she explains while looking at it.

Hazel ruffles her daughter's hair before walking off as Alex smiles at her

"Its properties are truly unique." Olivia adds. "It's harder than a diamond." she informs the group.

Olivia then steps aside to reveal a piece of Dragonsite in a glass container and gestures to it

D'Angelo lets out a forced gasp

"Wow. That's... cool." Alex says, trying to sound amazed by hearing about it and seeing it, pretending she has never seen it before.

"Yeah!" D'Angelo adds. "Can't believe something like that is just buried in the ground beneath our feet." he says, pretending to be amazed as well. "Yep." he concludes.

As Jun goes to walk forward, Ryu grabs her arm, pulling her to him

"Did you know they found another piece of Dragonsite?" Ryu asks her in a whisper.

Jun shakes her head no in response

"Dragonsite?" Olivia asks her eldest son, hearing what he whispered.

This makes Ryu & Jun gasp in surprise

"Oh! Uh, what h-he meant is that you found another piece of that... crystal stuff!" Tom says to his mom, coming to his big brother's aid. "That's so cool!" he adds.

"Yeah and it should have a cool name to go with it!" Ryu tries to explain. "Like maybe Dragonsite or something... else... cooler... maybe." he he tells his mom.

Eugene walks up to him, laughs and puts his right hand on his left shoulder

"Oh, Ryujikins, you're so funny." Eugene tells him. "Isn't Dragonsite already the name of a gem in that fantasy game you and the other kids are always playing?" he questions him.

Ryu realizes what Eugene is doing and decides to play along

"Um, yes! Yes, that's... that's right, Eugene." Ryu replies to Eugene. "From the fantasy game that we're always playing." he explains to his mom.

Dragons: The Nine Realms (Jun Wong x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now