Empty Fireworm Nest

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The group was now in the Fire Realm wearing the fire suits

"I am not having fun!" Alex yells out.

"Come on, Alex. You designed these fire suits so we could explore the Fire Realm!" D'Angelo tells her gesturing his arm to the Fire Realm.

"I designed them so we wouldn't burn to death!" she explains to him. "Ugh! I'm sweating like an armpit!" she adds uncomfortably.

Feathers sniffs her before letting out a grumble and squawk

Jun sighs happily

"Don't you think it's beautiful, Alex?" Jun asks her while holding up the shield.

Alex sighs knowing she was the only 1 who wasn't fully enjoying this

"I guess so, if you enjoy a fiery, end of the world aesthetic." she states.

"Yeah. Take it all in and explore." Ryu says to her with a smile. "But keep your eyes peeled for those Flame Thrower dragons." he tells her seriously. "We don't want any trouble." he finishes before flying off.

The group starts flying through the Fire Realm

"Woo-hoo!" D'Angelo yells out excited.

"Let's go!" Tom yells out equally excited.

"Woo-hoo!" Ryu yells equally excited like D'Angelo and Tom.

Ryu laughs happily as he flies through the Fire Realm

Later on, there is some blue pillar of smoke as Ryu and Thunder fly through it

"Woo-hoo!" he cheers loudly.

Thunder snorts as he blasts some of the smoke outta his mouth

"Uh, guys, what's that?" Jun suddenly asks the group seeing something in the distance.

The group looks to where Jun is looking, and it seems like 1 big bright spot is flying straight towards them

"Are those Flame Throwers?" D'Angelo asks worriedly.

"I don't think so, it doesn't look like it, but whatever it is, it's coming this way, and it's picking up speed." Ryu tells him.

"Okay. Looks like the fun I wasn't having is over." Alex says in a matter-of-fact tone

"They're coming in too fast. Brace yourselves!" Tom yells to the group.

The group braces themselves as they wait for something to happen

When they open their eyes again, they see a whole swarm of little fire dragons fly past them

"Huh? It's a whole swarm of little fire dragons!" D'Angelo states confused.

"Not just any fire dragons, they're Fireworms." Ryu reveals the group. "They're also known as Flame Eaters. They're small Stoker Class dragons. Fireworms can heat up their skin to a temperature said to be hotter than the sun, so hot enough to be able to burn almost anything. They're not known to be able to breathe any fire, but the Fireworm Queens have very powerful, bright, napalm-typed fire breaths that emit small firework-like particles. Fireworms are shown to be relatively fast dragons and due to their small sizes Fireworms are quite agile as well. Fireworms have shown quite some endurance as they are often tossed around and launched in the air due to their small sizes and inability to cause serious harm, yet they suffer little to no damage. They also glow brighter the closer they are to each other." Ryu informs the group.

Dragons: The Nine Realms (Jun Wong x male reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя