The Sky Torcher

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The audience sees Ryu shaking around in his bed having another nightmare

3rd person dream p.o.v.:

Ryu is remembering when he is being dragged down by the Fault Ripper

He pulls out his small pickaxe and hits it against the claws of the Fault Ripper

He lets go of him & Thunder as they fly up a bit as it continues to fall down the fissure

The Fault Ripper catches himself and starts to fly towards them again

"Thunder, fire!" Ryu yells at Thunder pointing at the Fault Ripper.

Thunder starts preparing a lightning stream. Suddenly the dragon stops, flies in place making a confused grunt as Ryu can see its milky pupils.

Ryu is confused as to why he stops doing anything

Suddenly Thunder hits him with the lightning stream as the Fault Ripper widens its milky pupils, it gets hit by the lightning, roars and plummets into the depths of the fissure.

3rd person real p.o.v.:

Ryu woke up with a gasp as he woke up from the intense nightmare

He breathes heavily as he calms himself

He looked at his little brother hoping he didn't wake him up, luckily he was still asleep

He lays back on his bed on his side as it transitions to the morning with him being dressed and sitting at the table

"Your breakfast is getting cold." Olivia tells her eldest son. "Hello?" she asks him waving her hand in front of him. "Earth to Ryu." she continues.

"Huh?" Ryu says confused coming outta his trance.

"Are you feeling okay?" Olivia asks him worriedly.

"Yeah. Yeah. I just didn't get much sleep last night." Ryu explains to his mom.

He starts eating his breakfast that has gotten cold by now

"Mom, you ever have a really intense dream you just can't shake?" Ryu asks his mom in wonder.

"Sure, everyone does." she replies. "It's just your subconscious working some things out." she states. "It can't hurt you." she adds reassuringly.

Has there been any seismic activity recently?" Ryu asks hopefully.

"You mean earthquakes?" Olivia asks confused.

"Yeah. Yeah." Ryu says quickly. "Or even just, you know, a little tremor or anything?" he asks seriously.

"Nope, not since we collapsed the fault." Olivia tells him. "Isn't that great?" she asks them excitedly.

"Yeah. Yeah, great." Ryu replies distantly, getting up and putting away his plate.

"You know, we did have a sinkhole open up in the woods." Olivia reveals. "I'm gonna check it out." she tells them. "You 2 wanna tag along?" she asks them.

"A sinkhole? Is it near the fissure?" Tom asks her mom.

"No, it's out in the forest." Olivia clarifies pointing towards the forest.

"Oh. Then we'll pass." Ryu & Tom say to their mom.

"Come on. Spend some quality time with your mom." Olivia tells her sons trying to persuade them.

Dragons: The Nine Realms (Jun Wong x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now