"Heroic one-liner!" Alex says loudly but unenthusiastically.

Finally, Eugene flies past his mom on Webmaster without saying anything

"Come on!" Ryu urges. "If this little guy escapes Rakke Town, he'll jeopardize the secret." he explains.

Olivia Kullersen is calmly walking to the station when she hears the sheep bleat loudly. She turns to look at the sound and sees the sheep coming straight at her. She yelps in alarm and deftly does a dive roll as the Terrible Terror shrieks at the sheep. Ryu & Thunder then fly past Olivia from behind

"Let's go, team!" D'Angelo calls out to the group. "Flanking maneuver." he tells them.

The group then spreads out to surround the Terrible Terror, who continues to chase the sheep, who's still bleating loudly. The group lands on the ground, letting the sheep pass and surround the Terrible Terror

"Alright. Let's move in." Ryu says to the group.

The Terrible Terror squawks, looking at Thunder before walking in the opposite direction, which is where Alex & Feathers are

"You're all mine, you little devil." Alex tells the small dragon, opening her arms to show it that it won't be able to escape.

Right as the Terrible Terror flies up in the direction of Alex's arms, Thunder swoops in and Ryu grabs the Terrible Terror

"Gotcha!" Ryu says loudly.

Getting snatched up so suddenly causes the small dragon to let out a startled squawk

"Or, you know, you can just grab him." Alex says annoyed, not happy with how Ryu just swooped in and took the capture that was meant to be hers.

Pete, Angela and another female worker cheer loudly. Ryu smiles and waves at them

"Oh, well, would you look at this?" Eugene asks. "Ryu comes flying in with the glory grab." he remarks as Webmaster walks past Thunder.

This comment makes Ryu look confusedly at him

"Glory grab?" Ryu repeats, confused. "What?" he asks. "Not even." he says to him.

"Totally even!" Eugene tells him loudly.

"I hate to agree with Eugene, bro, but he's right." Tom admits. "That was Alex's win and you just took it." he says to him.

"It was kinda weird, Ryu." D'Angelo chimes in.

"See?" Eugene asks Ryu rhetorically. "Even D and your little bro know you're being weird." he states.

"That's not true." Ryu denies. "They're not cheering for me. They're cheering for all of us." he tries to explain.

But then this happens

"The Dragon Whisperer does it again!" Pete praises Ryu to the other workers, making everyone else praise him.

The workers then turn to Ryu & Thunder and cheer for them. Eugene lets out an annoyed grunt, opening his crossed arms before crossing them again. This causes Ryu to let out a nervous laugh and look away for a moment

"Look, it's... it's been a crazy month since the dragons came up here." he begins, gesturing to Rakke Town. "I finally finished transcribing the info from the dragon book into my Book of Dragons." he reveals. "And I don't just have to deal with Buzzsaw anymore." he continues, gesturing to himself. "Now, I have to deal with our parents, the town, and keep any wandering dragons contained." he explains, gesturing to the town when he said 'the town' and gesturing to terrible terror when he said 'wandering dragons'.

Dragons: The Nine Realms (Jun Wong x male reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें