• Melody •

• Later that
night •

My body was back to where I could get up and walk around.

I didn't even care if it was just to make it to the bathroom I was a little better.

Truth was I didn't really want this night to end.

Tomorrow was the real deal. Tomorrow mark the last month of me having to deal with the most traumatic experience I've ever had to go through.

For all that Shang have done for me on these last four months I wanted to do a little something special for him.

Cooking was something that I've learn to love and get into after having to take it easy with some of my other work.

My music was unfortunately put on a hold but luckily my fans had other songs that they could hear from me.

I even drop an unannounced single called

* Dreaming of you
( also up in the media⬆️) *

The song was written for Shang which has been trending since I released it.

I was proud of the outcome that the song was getting.

It was a song I felt spoke to my heart at the time and it gives Shang a piece of me when we he feels alone when I'm no longer here.

He was going to be crushed, and I knew it and I could see it now and I didn't like the feeling that it was giving me.

I needed him to be all the way here for our new baby girl.

I needed him to be strong for her now, because she will need him when I'm not around anymore.

Looking at the clock it was pass nine and usual Shang would be walking through the front doors right now.

I only say that because he never wanted to leave me alone ever after my recent yet again another seizure I had.

It was hard to detect when I would have them and most of the time it just happened out of no where and nothing could trigger it at all.

Before I could even pull my phone out to dial his number the glared off the blinds had my eyes.

Walking over to it, it was headlights from a vehicle.

Still waiting around to see who it could have been the lights soon came to a dim view and I was able to see.

Seeing that it was Shang, I just watch as he fumble in the backseat for a while before I headed back over to the boiling stove.

Moments later the front door sensor went off and in walked Shang.

My back was facing him as I stir the lasagna noodles in the pot.

" hey baby I'm sure your hungry after a long day out. I hope your in the mood for pasta because I'm making lasagna"

With no response I continue to make dinner now shifting over to the meats.

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