Melody •

I just finished up my studio session with another new song

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I just finished up my studio session with another new song.


This song had so much emotion behind it after my last encounter with Shang.

Him out of all people was the one that I would have never thought would do this to me.

Betrayed me?, why?

I would have given him the last dollar to my name if I had it, the shirt off my back if he could fit it but what he do in return....

Cheats on me.

I had no regrets for any damages that Ive might had done last night, not even kicking him in the balls.

As I sat curled up on the sofa in my brothers basement I pressed ignore for the hundredth time whenever I saw his name pop across my screen.

" knock, knock"

Looking up and towards the door it was autumn and she came with food.

" I come in peace" she whisper with a sad puppy dog look.

Pulling the blankets up over me a little more, I peak over just to see what kind of food she had.

" If your wondering what's inside the box I got us both some maple bacon donuts."

I frown my face as I wasn't up for anything sweet.

My body was already in pain as it is, so adding more unnecessary sugar to it was not a great idea.

" autumn i don't think donuts is what I need right now. I'm just so angry as to why he would do this to me"

Hitting my bruised hand on the arm of the sofa I lifted back up with a hiss exiting from my lips.

" easy there mel you was just in a pretty big fight last night" autumn reminded me

Rolling my eyes as the thoughts replayed in my mind I reach over to grab one of those donuts after all.

" so have he tried apologizing to you yet?"

" yes, but im not even interested in anything that he has to tell me, in fact I should just delete his number all together and just be done with it" i contemplated.

Autumn was about to tell me something before my phone started to go off again.

" not even picking it up or paying it any mind I just let the call go straight to voicemail.

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