Shang •

The car ride back to my place was very different than usual.

I felt like punching anything at this point because why not.

My baby was about to leave me soon and I haven't even had her back into my arms good enough.

Each time I think about the life that I had plan for us my hands grip onto the steering wheel tighter by the second.

My teeth clenched up tight as just one touch of her hand on my lap removed all this anger that was starting to boil over.

I glance over to her direction as she was drifting off to sleep.

I figure it could have possible been a bad dream by the way her hand held on to me a little tighter.

I was so nervous for her to sleep that I use my index finger, turned it horizontal, and place it a few inches under her nose from time to time.

Just to make sure.

I had a couple more minutes left before I was home and this car ride gave me a lot of things to think about and take what melody had said at dinner tonight into consideration.

Moments later we was pulling inside the home as I punch in the code.

I paused for a minute just so that I can see the gates close behind me and once it did, I continue to drive up the path and into the garage.

Driving the Ferrari up to its label parking spot I turn the car off and gently tried to wake up melody.

" oh, we made it already?" She said while letting out a stretch due to the car being a compact vehicle.

" yeah, come on let's get you comfortable"

Walking over to her side, I open the door and extended my arm for melody to latch onto.

Once her arm was wrapped tightly into mines I locked up and we headed through the back of the home.

Walking through the dark, I clapped my hands as some of the lights came on.

" you need anything to drink? If so everything is still where I left it"

She nodded her head as she walk around before reaching the living room.

" I think I'm just going to watch some tv for a while it's been a emotional night for me"

Getting Mel a nice cold bottle of water I walked it over to her as I help her sit down.

" here you are" I said passing over the water.

She smiled while accepting the drink.

" I'm going to go change and then I'll come back to join you, I also have a shirt if you want to change your attire, Andre and Steven want have your clothes over till tomorrow morning" I informed to keep her updated"

She looked back over her shoulders while closing the top back on the drink.

" oh it's fine I'm not really in a big rush, like you said I'll just use one of your shirts"

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