Part two - Chapter 15

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Clara's POV

As I stood by Sofia's desk, carefully examining some contracts with her, my attention was suddenly diverted by the abrupt entrance of Ayleen into the office. Her face was a bright shade of red, as if she had just finished a marathon. Her eyes held a ferocity, making it clear that she was prepared to lash out. My heart sank as I wondered what could have gone wrong this time. Had I done something to provoke her? Without hesitation, she strode directly towards me.

Suddenly, Ayleen grabbed my hand and tugged me forcefully towards Marcus's office. Anxious, I obediently followed her lead as my heart rate skyrocketed. Without knocking, she barged into the room, interrupting Marcus mid-sentence. His eyes widened as he struggled to react to the unexpected intrusion, but before he could speak, Ayleen delivered a forceful slap across his face.

The sound echoed through the room, leaving me in shock and horror. Marcus held his cheek in agony as he stared at Ayleen, clearly unable to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

"You fucking bastard!" Ayleen seethed, reaching for a nearby chair with the intention of throwing it at him. I quickly took hold of her arm, preventing her from acting on her impulse.

"Angel,what are you doing?" I asked her frantically, trying to make sense of the chaotic scene before us.

"How could you be such a vile person? How can you do this to your cousin? Your flesh and blood!" Ayleen's voice was laced with anger as she screamed at him. I watched nervously as she continued to lash out, completely bewildered by the situation. It was evident that she was arguing with him because of me.

"I have no clue what you are-" Marcus started to speak, but Ayleen cut him off with a powerful punch. He slumped backwards into his chair, his lip cut and bleeding, while Ayleen winced in pain, clutching her fist.

I rushed over to Ayleen and gently took her hand, noticing the bruises on her knuckles. Her eyes avoided mine, and my heart sank as I felt the weight of the situation.

"Don't lie to me. I know everything." Ayleen's voice shook as she spoke, her face twisted with pain and anger. She turned to Marcus, her eyes blazing. "You drugged my girlfriend and manipulated Katherine into violating her. How could you do such a thing?"

Marcus remained silent, his face stoic and cold as he stared back at her. My heart sank as I realized what Ayleen was accusing him of. I couldn't believe it.  He betrayed me in the worst way possible.

"What was your end game?" Ayleen spoke again, her voice low and dangerous. "Did you think I wouldn't find out? Did you think you could get away with it?"

I wanted to scream, to lash out at Marcus for what he had done but I was too shocked and hurt to say anything. The silence in the room was deafening as we all stood there, staring at each other.

Marcus's voice was ice-cold, as he pointed at me, finally breaking the silence"My end game was to break you," he confessed. "You had the money, the firm, the reputation - everything that I didn't have, he diverted his attention to Ayleen ,"Clara, the perfect one, always getting what she wanted. When I started having feelings for you, she swooped in and took you away too. She took everything from me, and left me with nothing."

He let out a bitter laugh. "You always thought you were better than me, didn't you? The perfect one, always getting what she wanted. Well, I wanted to tear you down, to make you feel as small and helpless as I did all those years."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. All this time, he had been driven by hate and jealousy. I stared at him in disbelief, unable to comprehend what had happened to the man I grew up with.

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