"Are you hungry?" she asked gently, her voice laced with concern.

The child nodded, his tiny hand reaching out, seeking nourishment. Understanding the urgency of his need, Jamari's gaze fell upon a nearby cart adorned with a variety of fruits. She picked up a ripe apple, its vibrant red skin inviting her touch, and handed it to the child.

A smile of gratitude blossomed on his face, and he hurriedly took a bite, savoring the sweet taste. With a wave of gratitude, he scurried away, disappearing into the crowd. Jamari couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment in her small act of kindness.

However, her charitable deed did not go unnoticed. The stern-faced shopkeeper, who owned the cart, approached her with a scowl etched upon his features. His eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"You should pay for that," he growled, his voice filled with accusation.

Confusion washed over Jamari as she tried to comprehend the concept of payment. Her eyes widened with innocence and sincerity.

"But I thought we were free to take from nature since it belongs to all," she explained, her voice tinged with genuine belief.

The shopkeeper's anger intensified, and his grip tightened around her wrist. In his eyes, she was nothing but a thief. Panic fluttered within her, and she struggled against his hold, desperate to break free.

Sensing Jamari's distress, Corvus, ever loyal, swooped down to create a diversion. He fluttered around the shopkeeper, cawing loudly and pecking at his outstretched arm. The distraction momentarily startled the man, providing Jamari with a fleeting chance to escape.

As she freed herself from his grasp, Corvus was struck by a swift blow from the shopkeeper's hand. The bird tumbled to the ground, momentarily stunned but determined to protect his companion.

The commotion caught the attention of the market-goers, who turned their heads to witness the unfolding drama. Whispers filled the air as their curious gazes shifted from Jamari to the fallen Corvus.

Refusing to back down, the shopkeeper yanked Jamari's hood forcefully, determined to expose her face to the world. As sunlight cascaded onto her ethereal features, the crowd gasped in astonishment.

Pale, porcelain-like skin contrasted with her flowing white hair, marking her as unmistakably different. Whispers spread through the gathering, carried on waves of fear, awe, and superstition.

"Vedan," the shopkeeper muttered in disbelief, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and reverence.

Jamari found herself at the center of attention, the mysterious outsider now unmasked. All eyes were upon her, and the murmurs grew louder, their tone a blend of intrigue, suspicion, and curiosity. In that moment, she realized her journey in the human world was about to take an unexpected turn.

Jamari's heart sank as the crowd's reaction turned from curiosity to fear. The air became thick with tension as people recoiled, mothers hastily clutching their children and retreating in panic. Panic swept through the market like wildfire, fueled by the knowledge that a Vedan stood among them.

"Vedan!" someone cried out in terror, their voice laced with hysteria.

In an instant, chaos ensued. The crowd dispersed in a frenzy, scattering in every direction to escape the perceived threat. Jamari's heart pounded in her chest, the weight of their fear pressing upon her.

Sensing the imminent danger, Corvus urged her to flee. "Run now if you want to preserve your life," he advised urgently.

Without hesitation, Jamari pulled her hood tightly over her face, concealing her features. With a surge of adrenaline, she darted through the maze-like alleys of the market, her feet pounding against the cobblestones. She ran, not daring to look back, her only focus on finding safety.

Deep into the woods she ran, the dense foliage enveloping her in a cloak of solace. It was there, hidden from prying eyes, that she finally came to a stop, her breath ragged and labored. She leaned against a sturdy tree, her heart still racing with the echoes of the chaos she had left behind.

As the adrenaline subsided, Jamari took a moment to collect herself. She let out a long, weary sigh, her mind spinning with a mixture of confusion and frustration. In the midst of the calm sanctuary of the woods, she sought solace in the presence of Corvus, her loyal companion.

"Corvus," she called out, her voice tinged with both exhaustion and curiosity. "What just happened? Why did they react that way?"

Corvus fluttered down to rest on a nearby branch, his eyes reflecting a mixture of sadness and understanding. "I did not expect you to be discovered so soon," he replied solemnly. "Perhaps it's time for you to uncover the truth."

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