Mr. Push and Pull pt1

Start from the beginning

Months had passed and the tension grew thicker. Clay gave up on trying to threaten George by shooting daggers with his eyes, he’d always pout back so what was the point. Unbeknownst to the student body, they did have real conversations in accordance with their game of cat and mouse. After school or between classes, detentions and lunch breaks. Clay knew that George repeated a year, that’s why he was older than his peers. George knew that Clay hand skipped a few, that’s why he was so young. ‘Nerd!’ he had whined when the older confided in him, causing him to wheeze like a tea kettle. It only made them fall harder.

Today is by far the worse.

Mr Block was helping a girl clean up the water she spilt on her desk when a light bulb sparing through George’s head. He unnoticeably struts over to his desk that was right next to the girls. That damn girl was getting more attention than him. Like it was his second nature, his ‘clumsy’ and totally not purposeful self pushes a pencil out of his own grasp. George bends over, perfectly in time with the teacher’s movements as he too twists his body after finishing helping the girl. Only to be met with a plump ass being pressed up against his crotch. Clay instinctively grabs his hips to halt the dangerous movement as he realizes the incredibly questionable position they were in; blood rushes down, down, down.

“George!” Clay yelps pushing off the limp body, earning a soft squeal from the younger and stumbling away. He threw tables around in his line of fire.

Clay’s heart drops, his breathing all together stunts as he grabs his chest out of pure shock and fear. The class crane their necks, some also screaming from the loud, earth-shattering shout that seeped out of a shaken Clay. Havoc at its finest, everyone’s eyes were on either the teacher, who was now cowering in the corner trying to hide the severe problem he has; or George, who chuckles unreasonable strong in success since he felt the hard buldge against his ass before his body was shoved off. He simply stood back up again and took his seat, smiling innocently at his teacher who looked like he would have a breakdown because of how red he was.

“My bad.” George reasons.

Clay wanted to ruin him right then and there.

But that wouldn’t be smart, he tip-toes back to his desk. Everyone is still frozen, rooted to their spots, mouth agape.

“Ok...I’m sorry for startling you guys, I shouldn’t have screamed that loud-”

George giggles and Clay can’t bear to lift his eyes from the ground.

“I’m sorry about... that George, l-let’s just get on with the lesson now.”

He didn’t get up from his seat after that, his desk was his shielding him and the rest of his dignity from further embarrassment; but George, however, looked like he had just won the lottery. The rest of his classmates felt like they were walking on eggshells, they couldn’t risk joking around with their usually happy-go-lucky English teacher in case he decides to have another screaming episode. Mr Block was trying to regain his composure through the explanation of poem analysis; he had to give George a form from the school. Before all of this, he was going to just place it on his table ere he got there but the class is staring at him like he’s a lighthouse and they’ll notice the inconspicuous action. Not like he can stand up in the state he is in right now anyway. God, why did he choose today to push me down a peg? Clay patiently waits till the bell sounds.

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