A Size That Makes You Shiver

Start from the beginning

Later that night Dream jerked off to that phrase and the feeling of George's small hands. He cleaned himself up in shame and fell asleep trying to erase it from his memory.

So Dream had a size kink. He knew this. All of his past girlfriends had been much smaller than him, he liked it that way. He liked squeezing a small waist and covering a small body with his larger one. He liked holding down wrists to the bed with one hand. It made his heart race, it worked him up more than anything else could.

But it wasn't like George was that small. So why did the thought of their bodies pressed together make him shutter?

He knew why. George was more than a pretty face or a small body, he was funny and smart and just his presence made Dream's day better. Dream liked him. He loved him even. But he didn't want to ruin what they had, so he kept his mouth shut. He could survive with his right hand beneath the sheets, he didn't need any more than that.

George sat beside him on the couch. It was just them, Sapnap was out with a few friends. They watched a movie, some shitty rom-com that wasn't keeping their attention very well. The characters kissed in a moment of passion, sex scene a few seconds away from happening.

George sighed, "What's your biggest kink?"

Dream choked on his water, coughing and trying to compose himself. "What? Where did that come from?"

George shrugged, smile on his face, "Well this couple is just a bit vanilla don't you think?"

Dream stared at him in shock. Should he tell him the truth? He was about to open his mouth when George cut him off, "I bet you have a daddy kink."

Dream sputtered, "Well, I mean I wouldn't say it's my biggest kink." Shit, why did he admit to that and why is he digging a deeper hole for himself.

George covered his mouth, trying to stifle his laughs. "I knew it, so what is it then? What gets you hot under the collar?"

Dream swallowed, fuck it. "I like being bigger than someone else," He started. "Like to hold someone down with no effort and drape my body over their small back. Like to feel them squirm but not being able to move because I'm pinning them down so tight and their body is too small to resist."

George looked like a deer caught in the headlights, eyes wide, his cheeks dusted a light pink at his words.

"Someone?" His voice cracked. "Not specifically a girl?"

Dream took a deep breath, "No, doesn't matter to me."

George stared at him, eyes running across his face. He jumped up, lips catching his in a quick kiss. Dream didn't react, suprise preventing him from moving.

George leaned back, "Ugh, I'm sorry, I just thought that maybe..."

Dream grabbed his face, hands covering his cheeks. He leaned down, their lips meeting in a much softer kiss this time.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't imagine you underneath me every night." Dream stoked his thumb across George's mouth as he spoke.

George's pale cheeks flushed a nice red colour, "I think about you too," he paused. "Think about how nice you felt pressed against my back."

Dream exhaled a shaky breath, "Yeah, want to hold you down and give you everything you need."

"Please," George's intense brown eyes looked up at him. "Want you so bad."

Dream snatched him by the hips, laying back on the couch and bringing George to straddle him. George giggled as he was manhandled into position, their mouths connected in a sloppy kiss, lips moving together like they were their last meal.

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