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Chapter 9

    During the rainy season, the whole of Tokyo is shrouded in humid rain.

    In the reflection of the stagnant water under the heavy rain, it seems to turn the whole city upside down.

    Looking down from the balcony on the fifth floor, Tokyo is shrouded in a layer of blue-gray smog, in which neon lights first appear, like a complex of cyberpunk buildings that are blurry, gorgeous and illusory in the future.

    Qingshuimian is sitting on a chair on the balcony, a glass of soda water is placed on the table in front of her, it is blue like dew grass, and transparent ice cubes are soaked in it, which also adds that vivid color.

    A finger flicked the wall of the cup, and the cold water dripping from the wall slid down, quietly dripping a small puddle of water on the table.

    Not long ago, they arrived at the dormitory for single employees, took the elevator to the fifth floor, and the moment they opened the door, facing the bed that occupied most of the room, Qingshuimian couldn't believe it was a single bed.

    "This room is usually not occupied. Sometimes company couples or couples will stay for one night." The middle-aged employee who opened the door explained thoughtfully, and secretly gave him a "I understand" look.

    ... No, you don't understand.

    With an indescribable mood, Qingshui Mianmu accepted the key sent by the employee with a straight face. So, originally Qingshuimian wanted to deceive Wujo Wu, but the manager's arrangement first deceived himself.

    Water accumulated in the small beach, and the fingers were dipped to write, and the crystal water stains spelled a big "fan" character. It is said that one should drink hot ginger soup in the rain, but Gojo Satoru asked for an iced drink.

     But seeing that Gojo Satoru let him use the bathroom just now, Shimizumian prepared this glass of iced dewgrass-colored soda water for him. The bright blue color matches the rainy day, and it has a sense of tranquility.   

  The night is permeated with gloomy rain, and the wind blows the wet rain towards the balcony. In front of the French windows of the balcony, the white gauze curtains were blown by the wind, floating into the room like a sliver of moonlight.  

   Thinking that Gojo Wu should finish calling Xia Youjie and Niu Zi, Qing Shuimian raised his eyes and looked inward, wanting to urge him to take a shower as soon as possible. His eyes followed the white gauze blowing like clouds inadvertently, and saw the person inside taking off his clothes.

    Gaozhuan's black uniform has been taken off, and what is left is a short-sleeved shirt of the same color. His arms were rolled up, and the black shirt was also rolled up, revealing half of his well-trained, thin waist.

    Water dripped from the half-wet hair, and it stained the shirt, leaving deeper water stains. Then, more dripping water gathered on the wet shirt, winding and sliding down the clean and clear muscular body, sometimes converging, and the water marks seemed to flow down crystal traces.  

   The black shirt was probably completely soaked, so it was not rolled up to the top of the head at one time, and because it was soaked in water, it was tightly attached to Gojo Satoru's abdominal muscles, copying the firm and slightly bulging shape, as if licking it . 

    The white gauze curtain that was blown away slowly returned to its original place. Qingshuimian also slowly closed her eyes.  

   In the room, Gojo Satoru frowned deeply, and with a little annoyance, he pushed back the hem of his shirt that was grabbing his abdominal muscles, and his hair became messy. He raised his eyes, and saw Qing Shui Mian sitting on the balcony through the floor-to-ceiling windows and white screen windows.   

  "Hey Mian." He called, "Help me." 

    Because of his familiarity, Qing Shui Mian sat still. After thinking about it, Gojo Wujou will be cheated by him later, so he got up again and walked into the house. Then he lowered his head and helped him tear off the hem of his shirt that was so full of water that it stuck to his abs. 

    The black shirt that was tightly attached to it like an octopus sucker was ripped off, revealing the fair body of the five Wushou, which was between a boy and a young man. The black shirt and that flesh made him somewhat sexy, and the pale flesh seemed to express some kind of ambiguous boundary. 

    Where is the boundary? At this moment, Qing Shuimian just slid his fingers away, lowered his eyes, but saw that his uniform pants were tied. The neatly tied black bow tie is like a gift box, waiting to be removed to reveal more. 

    Like a child's prank, the finger hooked forward slightly, trying to make some farce.     

-In a timely and sensible manner, Qingshuimian restrained his hand. Then someone grabbed his hand and stuck it to the smooth and graceful abdominal muscles in front of him, the cold and firm abdominal muscles were like marble.

    Qingshuimian opened her eyes wide in shock, and suddenly looked up at Gojo Satoru. Gojo Satoru was half a head taller than him, and now he lowered his head and showed a vicious smile, "I see you really want to touch it."

    I'm not, I don't.

    ...It's just the dampness of the room mixed with hormones, which makes people not sober like drunk.

    Expressionlessly, Qing ShuiMian pinched Wutiao Wu's waist hard, causing him to scream, turned around and fled into the bathroom, and closed the door with a "bang".

    Qing Shuimian, who was left in the house, stretched out his five fingers to see that Wujo Wu's waist had no excess fat, and he almost couldn't find a place to pinch him.

    The room was full of wind, rain and humidity, he sighed, and suddenly thought, I don't know what happened to my sister.

    In the bathroom, Wujo Wu looked in the mirror, looked at the red mark on his waist, said "wow", and said to himself, "It's so hard to hit someone you like." "Obviously

    I I still remember that incident when I was a child." Facing the mirror, Gojo Satoru said.

Gojo has become My catOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora