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Chapter 43

    Taking out a box of milk from the shopping bag, Xia Youjie bent down and handed it to Qing Shuimian who was sitting by the bed: "Here."

    Qing Shuimian covered his face with his hands, saw the milk through his fingers, and shook his head. He buried his face deeply in his hands, like an ostrich buried in the sand, refusing to show his face.

    Xia Youjie looked around and found that Gojo Wu had kicked the only chair in the hotel, and had no choice but to sit on the single bed like Qing Shuimian.

    "Wu and I found you in the sewer. You were unconscious and your spell power was chaotic. It was too late at night to take a taxi, so we stayed in a nearby hotel for the night." Insert the straw into the hole, and then pass it to Qingshuimian again with a horizontal hand.

    Shaking his head again, Qingshuimian rubbed his face with both hands, his expression pained with his movements.

    "Mian, what happened to you and Wu just now?" Xia Youjie asked.

    "I..." Qing ShuiMian opened his mouth to say a word, but couldn't continue.

    An unprecedented entanglement came to my mind. After hesitating for a while, he still replied: "I just said something very exaggerated. He felt insulted, so he kicked off the chair and slammed the door away." "You mean enlightenment?

    " .

    Finally put down his hands, Qing ShuiMian made up his mind, put his hands on his knees, turned his face and nodded towards him.

    Staring at him suspiciously for a while, Xia Youjie wisely didn't question him, but comforted him: "Wu is very proud. If he is insulted, he will take revenge on the spot, and he won't leave angrily." "Maybe..." Qing

    Shuimian He hesitated to speak, but finally said it, "Because I'm a scumbag." "

    ..." For a while, Xia Youjie was speechless, not knowing what to say.

    Then, he said, "If you can really come to enlightenment, how about I bet you half a million?"

    Qing ShuiMian smiled feebly and shook his head, "No. I..."

    Indescribable emotions, guilt and others, entangled him, like the red thread of the [Affinity] spell, all of which were restraints, making him unable to speak.

    Seeing that he was uncomfortable and lost, Xia Youjie comforted him and suggested that he lie down and rest first.

    "You've consumed too much mana, you'd better take a rest." And he got up and left the room, intending to go to the front desk to get a new chair.

    But Qing ShuiMian sat still, clutching the bedsheets, then raised his head, and called out: "Jie, maybe I should go find..."

    The word "Wu" was on the edge of his mouth, but it was like a date stone swallowed, containing He said, but didn't spit it out. Xia Youjie turned around and asked. In the end, he just shook his head and continued to bury his head in despair.

    Then, he fell on the bed, with his back to the door, and curled up into a ball. Qing ShuiMian grabbed his collar, looked at the quiet night sky outside the window, and didn't speak. After a while, he muttered to himself.

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