67 | another chance?

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"If you'd let me speak than I can answer you Ailey" I chuckled.

"If you're laughing that means you're fine" a huff could be heard in the background. I know she's worried about me and I want to reassure her that I am fine.

"Yeah, I'm fine A" a soft smile lifted on my face. I am very grateful to have friends like her and Karl. "I was so scared, I thought they were going to throw you in the basement and I won't see you again" wow, her perception about this world is worse than mine.

"Nope, I'm in a room with a very soft bed" she chuckled in relief.

"I still don't know how you manage to make the best outcome of the worse scenario? Its beyond my comprehension" I scoffed at her statement. "Do you want me to get the shorter side of the stick here than?" Even though I was joking but I kept my voice straight.

"No!! I'd never want that" she exclaimed. I laughed, it took her sometime but she caught my joke and chuckled, mumbling a bitch.

We were interrupted when the door of the room opened, breaking Georgia. I told Ailey that I'll be home soon before hanging up.

"Hey" I mumbled, sharing a smile with her. She seems nice and only one here that can tell me when I'll leave this place.

"Hello Miliani" she smiled back before stepping inside the room.

"May I?" She asked referring to sit on my bed. I was amazed at how polite and respectful she was unlike Jacub who literally barged in my house like his own. This contrast is even more strange than this room and mansion.

"Please" I said making space for her even though I haven't occupied much space. She sit Infront of me, her legs one over another. This woman was sheer elegance, her face held a soft glaze of compassion and power equally.

"I'm sorry Jacub dragged you into this mess" she placed her hand on mine, squeezing a little.

"I was already in it the moment I decided on Cain" I shrugged, appearing nonchalant but deep down I was scared to face all of my fears again.

"He's lucky to have you" she smiled, "I've seen that boy fighting for everything that he has now. I know he's difficult to understand, maybe a little too sharp on the edges but right heat can melt strongest of glass and reshape it smooth." Tucking a strand of my hair behind me ear, I shifted so that my back was towards her and stared out the small window.

What she said might be true but I can't wrap up his lies in a box and throw it away, I need to talk to him, maybe I will understand him but when? For how long do I have to wait to let me in? He told me he will in the car that night but everything I got know about Caim was either through someone else or accidentally it was never him initiating. I don't know any detail of his life. I have only been present in his now but what about his than? What about his past that he keeps hidden. 

"You're right, but I'm not that heat Georgia, I'm afraid melting him would burn me" she sighed, shifting a little closer to me.

"I know I have only met you and you have no need to talk to me but hear me out" she's right I don't know her and I don't know if I could trust her.

"Caim had a very painful and haunting past. I shouldn't be the one telling you this but for you to understand him, his need to protect himself, I would let you glare a little into his past" my attention was on her, the words spilling out from her mouth were heard from the deepest part of my heart.

"He was born into this organization, the Mafia, the gang, the illegal stuff. It was a legacy that passed down through generations in his family. In the old times they were known to be the most feared family of this town and still does but the law has changed their path and now they do bidding by the law but still terrorise this space." I didn't he was connected to this life even before he was born.

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