Part two - Chapter 9

Start from the beginning

Feeling embarrassed by the tantrum I had just thrown and my rude attitude, I bit down on the inside of my cheek, thinking of what I could say to mend the situation. But my pride wouldn't let me apologize. Instead, I stepped aside, unblocking the door, and gestured for her to enter the house. She nodded with a smile.

As she walked past me, I caught a whiff of her perfume, and it instantly brought back pleasant memories of our time together.

I followed her into the living room where we sat in silence. The tension between us was palpable, and I knew I had to break it.

"Let's eat?" I asked to break the silence.

"I'll grab some plates," she said, walking towards the kitchen and adjusting her pencil skirt. I couldn't help but admire her figure, but I quickly turned my head away, feeling embarrassed.

She returned with two plates, a pack of napkins, and two glasses of water, setting them on the coffee table.

"Thanks," I said, taking the plate from her. "This looks good."

"It's garlic and butter cheese sandwich ," she said with a shrug.

"I like it," I replied with a smile. We started eating, savoring each bite in silence but with more comfort than before.

"How are you feeling now?" She asked me with concern, placing her hand on my forehead to check for fever. I couldn't help but feel a sudden sharp intake of breath at her touch, almost choking on the food in my mouth.

"Good," I replied in my surprisingly high-pitched voice, attempting to mask it with a cough. Her touch sent shivers down my spine, and I knew I had to focus on something else before I made a fool of myself.

"Trying to change the subject, I asked, "So how is work?"

"It's busy. I have a lot to do," she replied, sighing heavily. I noticed her neck was tense, and she moved it to one side in an effort to ease the tension. Suddenly, a thought popped into my mind about giving her a massage, but I quickly scolded myself for having such an intrusive thought.

"Mhm," I hummed absentmindedly, tearing my eyes away from her neck and back to my plate.

"And how is Marcus?" I asked curiously. I wanted to know how they were doing and if she was aware of any games he was playing behind her back.

"Why are you asking about him?" She put her sandwich down.

"Just making conversation," I shrugged, trying not to seem too interested.

"Can we talk about someone else?" She said irritably, clearly not interested in discussing Marcus.

"Do you have to go back to work?" I asked curiously, secretly hoping she could stay for a while longer.

"I have work, but I can finish it from home," she said, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Or from here," I suggested in a whisper, hoping my invitation was subtle enough.

"Or from here," she reassured me with a smile, her eyes lighting up with delight at the thought of staying.

"I'll go home and change into something more comfortable though," she said and my eyes fell to her exposed thighs and how her skirt hugged her body perfectly.

"You can borrow clothes from Mia's wardrobe. I'm sure she wouldn't mind," I said eagerly, not wanting her to leave just yet.

She paused for a few seconds, thinking about my suggestion, and eventually nodded slowly.

"But I also need to shower. I smell like the courtroom," she said sheepishly.

"You smell good," I blurted out before I could stop myself, feeling embarrassed by my own words. Her head snapped my way, studying my face with a warm expression. Everything about her was compelling me to forgive and throw myself into her arms, but I couldn't allow myself to get hurt again.

Trying to break the growing tension between us, I got up and took my plate back to the kitchen, standing in front of the sink to wash it. Suddenly, I felt her body behind me as she grabbed the plate from my hand. Her scent invaded my senses.

"Sit down. You're sick. I'll clean up," she spoke close to my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I turned around and found myself trapped between the sink and her body. She hovered above me, making me look up towards her due to the difference in height. An invisible force seemed to be pulling me towards her again as she stared intently at me, as if reading through my soul.

Her honey-colored eyes were fixed on my lips, studying them carefully. My breathing hitched in my throat because the way she looked at me made it seem like her entire universe revolved around my presence. It was a look I had seen in her eyes many times before, but it had been five years since I had last seen it.

"Clara?" I whispered softly, trying to grab her attention, but to no avail. Her eyes were still fixed on me as she moved closer, and I felt my knees grow weak. My whole body was burning to feel her touch.

How did she have so much power over me? All the pain I had lived through those past years disappeared when she stood in front of me, and it only resurfaced once she was gone.

I didn't want to let my guard down. I didn't want to feel these emotions for her again, but I couldn't help it. She was tearing down all the walls I'd been building up for the past five years. Walls so high that no one had managed to break through, no matter how hard they tried. I built those walls because of the immense pain she put me through before. So how come she was tearing them down so easily, without even trying?

Her hand moved swiftly, resting on my cheek. Her thumb caressed the corner of my lips, and my breathing hitched in my throat. It felt like I'd stopped breathing altogether. Staring back at her in a daze, I was completely under the spell of her mesmerizing eyes and her intoxicating scent. I couldn't resist leaning into her touch, which seemed to burn into my skin.

That's when she removed her hand, and put her thumb in her mouth, a beautiful smile playing on her lips. I watched in envy as she sucked on it; I wished it was my lips she was kissing.

"You have a little bit of cheese," she chuckled, and I was still lost in her features, cursing myself for becoming hypnotized by her. I realized that she had different thoughts in her mind, and I had completely misread the situation.

"Angel?" She whispered carefully when she noticed I was still staring at her in a daze. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion before she realized what was happening - that I had a burning desire for her. She bit down on her lip as her eyebrows raised ever so subtly and a soft "oh" escaped her lips.

My heart swelled at her adorable expression and that's when I lost all control. My body leaned in towards her against my own will. I found myself tugging on her shirt, urging her to come closer, and so she did. She took a step forward and closed the distance between us. Her body pressed against mine, and it was as if her touch made me whole again.

"Kiss me," I whispered, unable to control my desire any longer.

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