Kids and Jokes! (JW)

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Amber Valentine, the Oldest sister of Cat Valentine and Jade's girlfriend for 11 months, Jade interviews Kids while Amber stops Jade from doing it. Let's see what happens.

No one POV

Jade turns on her video camera to start her video introducing what she is doing.

Hi. Hey. I'm just gonna before I start the video that I don't even know why I'm making it I just gotta... Jade drinks the mouthwash and gargles her mouth while spitting it out to her bottle.

So you know there's a preschool right next door to Hollywood Arts well I'm gonna go there get some random kids and bring them here and do some interviews. Interviews that I can guarantee are insanely boring. As always I called the Segment "Jade with Tots!" Jade picks up her sign while holding it up to the people.

Jade's POV

I made this fabulous sign. I hate it! I said while I moved on while getting ready to talk to the kids.

I stared at a little girl while I got bored because she was staring too hard.

What is your name? I asked the girl while she was staring the whole time.

Hannah. The girl responds to me.

Okay, Hannah let me tell you what we are going to do today. I said to the kid while she was listening.

Okay. Hannah replied to my comment.

Now, you are going to tell me the things you like and I am going to give you information about those things. Got it? I asked the child.

Yep. Hannah said to Me while I get started.

Tell me something you like. I asked Hannah about her favorite things.

Candy! Hannah said while I looked at her.

Candy rots your teeth. What else do you like? I asked Hannah about another thing she loves.

Television! Hannah answers the question again.

Kids watch too much television and that's why people are literate and don't get enough exercise. And when you don't get enough exercise, you gain a lot of weight and eventually get type 2 diabetes. I said explaining to the kid while she got quiet after that.

You're weird. Hannah said in an insulting tone.

I'm weird!? I said hearing her right while I moved on to the next kid being quiet... Okay.. I had enough of that kid, so I got a different one. Hey. I said to the next kid.

Hey. The boy replies back.

What do you like? I asked the kid about what he likes.

Swimming in the ocean. The boy replied with a calm voice.

Really? Did you know that oceans are actually filled with industrial toxic waste? And even the clean oceans are filled with fish poop. So do you really like swimming in fish poop and industrial toxic waste? I asked him while the kid got quiet.

You're scary. The kid replied to me while I looked at him.

Amber's POV

I walked into the room where Jade was while she was filming her video to the kid.

Do you think so? Cuz I can be way scarier than this. Okay now tell me something- Jade said while i tapped her shoulder cutting her while speaking.

Ahem. Ahem. Hey. I said while getting on my knees to Jade.

We're filming. Jade said while I looked at her and the kid.

Jade- I said while rubbing my hands together.

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