Equal Justice for the Rich (FC)

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Amber Carrington-Ridley, daughter of Laura Van Kirk and Liam Ridley sister and Fallon Carrington Wife after they got married at her high school theater.  Now a singer and writer.

No One POV

Fallon and Blake were at Blake's study to talk about a land. Blake and Fallon worked together now.

You got your work cut out for you. This is how much the castle restoration is costing? Blake asked Fallon as he read a folder.

Well, no one said refurbishing a trebuchet from 1412 was gonna be cheap. But it got us the land. Fallon said talking to her dad.

Maybe. But if you don't start paying off these loans, you'll shutter divisions  before the end of the fiscal year. Blake said closing the folder turning to face Fallon.

You don't need to tell me my company's in danger. Okay? I already know. But if our IPO is approved, then it'll all work out. I know it's a risky move to go public in order to cover debt-- Fallon said while getting cutted off by Blake.

Risky is when I let the Tesla self-drive with my eyes closed for fun. This is way beyond that. Blake said to Fallon.

Look, SEC approval for this usually averages around 25 days, but I need it to happen... in two. Fallon said as she looked at the board and back at Blake.

Okay. Whose palms do we need to grease? Blake asked Fallon.

The palms of my assigned SEC officer. Fallon said as she gives Blake a black folder.

Oh, Corinne Simpson. We used to winter together in St.Barts. Blake said as he misread the last name. Nope, I misread. Corinne Simon, don't know her. Sorry. Blake said to Fallon as she was worried.

Amber's POV

I was sitting behind a whiteboard as I was typing on my computer as I heard Corinne Simon name.

Uh, I know Corinne Simon.. I said to Blake and Fallon behind the whiteboard.

Fallon started to push the big whiteboard out of the way as Blake and Fallon saw me sitting down on Blake's chair.

I started to wave while I looked at them while holding a pen.

How long has she been in here? Blake asked.

She's quiet. Fallon said while they both looked at me.

That's true..anyway,Corinne's an old Van Kirk family friend. I'd be happy to make a call on my break. Fallon started to clear her throat at me.  I'm researching potential stories or songs... Fallon started to make a signal at me while I stopped talking... Or I can take my break now... I said while Fallon nodded her head getting my phone to call Corinne.

No One POV

Fallon and Blake were in the living room talking about the strategy for Corinne.

You know how you're gonna play this tonight? Blake asked Fallon.

I got this. Somewhere after surf but well before turf, I'll just casually mention that Fallon Unlimited needs the review process accelerated. Fallon said to Blake.

And if we've charmed her, she'll think it's her idea. It'll be smooth sailing.  Blake said to Fallon.

Amber's POV

I started to walk towards Fallon and Blake while looking around the surf and turf theme.

Think you may need to drop the anchor for a second. I just spoke with some old VKI colleagues. Turns out Corinne helped my father take VKI public back in the day. So umm.. this extravaganza's got to go. I said looking at Fallon and Blake.

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