Brain Squeezers (JW)

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Amber Vega,  Tori and Trina sister and Jade's girlfriend , time for a trivia question of the season , Tori gets picked for Brain Squeezers to win a lot of money and Jade becomes a Team Captain all of a sudden?! Find out more!

Amber's POV

I was sitting with Jade at my sister's table while Jade Wrapped one of her arms around my waist while I smiled at her being overprotective.

Mm-mm... Awesome french fries today. Jade said to all of us while I was eating mine.

Can I have a fry? Tori asked Jade while she started to stick her tongue out and spit on Her own fries meaning no.

Pbthpbthpbthpbthphbth. Jade said while spitting on her own fries.

Does anyone else have fries? Tori asked All of us expect for Jade.

Cat walked in to our table on the phone with someone while I looked confused on her.

Hey Cat, who are you talking to? Robbie asked his little girlfriend while Jade stroked my thigh while I looked at Jade.

Shh! I've been on hold for an hour. Cat said to all of us while still on the phone.

Who are you on hold with? Tori asked Cat concerning her.

I don't remember. Cat said while I looked confused.

Then why don't you fucking hang up?! I asked Cat about it while Jade squeezed my thigh telling me a warning while I whimpered softly.

Because I love the hold music. It's all my favorite songs. I dont know who I'm holding for, but he or she is awesome. Cat said while I hit my hand on my head.

Oh my God! Yes! Yes! Yes! Tori said cheering about what's on her phone while we all looked confused at her.

What's going on? Andre asked Tori since they are best friends.

Right I never seen you that excited ever since you won that Hambone shit. I said looking at Tori about it.

Well... I just found out I got picked on Brain Squeezers! Brain Squeezers! Tori replied To Andre about why she was happy for.

Bruh we heard you the first time Shut the hell up!! I said to Tori while getting annoyed. 

The new game show. Tori explains to us while we all looked lost.

I haven't heard of it. Robbie said while we all started talking.

No idea what that is. Jade said while I nodded my head no.

I'm on hold. Cat said to Tori still on the phone.

Well,  it's not on TV yet, but everyone says it's gonna be like the next big thing. It is all the buzz. Tori said to us.

"It is all the buzz." I mocked Tori while Andre snickered about what I did.

I've heard no buzz. Andre said to Tori ruining her moment.

Really? Tori asked all of us sad.

No human being has ever heard of Brain Squeezers. Jade said to Tori while I was on my phone while Sinjin came to our table.

You guys talking about Brain Squeezers? Sinjin asked all of us.

You in our businesses for what? I asked Sinjin about the game.

I said human being.  Jade said making it clear for Sinjin.

Ooh, I love this song, too! I wonder if the person I'm holding for is my one true love. Cat said while she is on hold for the longest.

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