The Unfortunate Dinner (FC)

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Amber Ridley is back , now the real deal is going to happen now it's the Dinner Party for the Wedding with her fiance Fallon Carrington,  Daughter of Blake Carrington and Amber as the daughter of Laura VanKirk and Liam's youngest sister.

No one POV

Fallon starts to Sigh because she is about to start the happiest of her lifetime picking out choices for the wedding with Amber , her future wife to be .

Copper arch. Wooden guestbook. White roses. "Us laughing," but keep "us holding hands" on standby. Fallon went close while touching the cake topper . Crystal? While her assistant came in while the record stop . What is this? Fallon asked the woman .

It's the cake topper. Is there a problem? The woman repiled to Fallon. 

Yes Melinda, there is a problem.  The cake topper was supposed to be gold, not crystal. I don't see any gold, do you? Fallon said to Melinda.

Amber started to walked in on them while Amber looked at Fallon .

Uh, maybe I'll come back. Amber said while about to walk away.

No , don't move.  Fallon motions Amber to stay there .

Amber's POV

I came back after Fallon told me to stay there .

Or I can stay . I replied to myself while I walked to Fallon .

Everyone else, move.  Fallon ordered the people to move. I mean We requested the 24-karat package. You think Sven is trying to sabotage us? Fallon asked me a serious question .

Of course not. I also don't know who Sven is. Hey, hey, look it's just a cake topper. I said to Fallon calming her down .

"Just a cake topper" isn't good enough. This wedding is our chance to break the cycle of craziness. I just want drama-free. Fallon said explaining.  

So do I. We will have that no matter which cake topper we use. I said getting close while Fallon dropped the Cake topper and it broke into a million pieces.

No, no , no! Well that's great. Now you've been decapitated.  Fallon said to me while we saw the broken cake topper. 

I promise you that nothing, not even... my head getting chopped off, will stop us from our fresh start . I said while making Fallon smile .

- Time skips- Still Amber's POV

🎵Here comes the mother of the bride All dressed in red🎵 Or is this more of a crimson? Well maybe-- Oh my word! Is this Amber's head? . Alexis said to me and Fallon .

Dial it down , Gloria Swanson. It was a small accident.  Fallon said to Her mother .

And I heard your florist backed out i told you not to berate her. Alexis said to Fallon .

I gave her some constructive criticism  about carnations. Fallon said to her mom. 

Okay, who's ready for a wedding rehearsal? I asked Fallon and Alexis.

Fallon, have you finished collecting your somethings? You know Borrowed, blue , old, new? Alexis asked Fallon .

No, because I have something more important to do. Like finding Blake so we can leave for the church. Fallon said while giving the cake topper to Fallon .

I'll get him . I said while walking away from them .

Fallon's POV

The florist, the decapitation? Makes total sense now. Omens. You can't ignore tradition, at least not in this family.  Great Aunt Maude dismissed the custom and broke her hip on her wedding day. Is that what you want? Alexis asked me about my Auntie.

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