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After an hour and a half, a messy shower and then another 45 minutes, Jungkook, Jimin, and Sera had arrived in Hoseok's room.

He was sitting up, looking much brighter than he had. Although he was still very weak he had a smile on his face at seeing his entire family in front of him... Well almost... They were still missing two very important people.

"We'll get them, Hobi abeoji, don't worry..." Hiro said, reassuring this dad.

Hobi only smiled sadly, "I know..." he held his hands out for Rose and Loona who both came to him with no argument.

Rose sat beside him on one side and Loona on the other. "I'm so happy that we've got you two back. And Rose,"

"I'm really sorry..." she quickly let out, "If I would've run fast or— Maybe—"

"Hey..." he looked tenderly at her, "We may not be blood but you come from that woman right there." He pointed to Sera, "So no matter what, I will love you as if you were my own.

"I feel like this is where we break out in song or something.." Namjoon chuckled causing everyone else to laugh a little too.

"Shut up, I'm just—I love you guys..." Hoseok teared

Jungkook began shaking his head aggressively, sniffling and stopping to glare at the ceiling before he turned away from the group.

"J—Jungkook are you crying?" Taehyung asked

"Nope! Something in my eye—"

"Oh my god..." Yoongi laughed, "He's crying!"

"I said I'm not! Shut the hell up!"

"Awe, my soft baby." Sera cooed to him, pulling his head down so that she could kiss it.

He reveled in and Jimin and Jin came closer to her, "We're soft too.." Jin pouted

Sera pushed Jimin away, "Haven't you had enough?" She stressed with a laugh before giving Jin kisses.

"Yuck!" Loona gagged

"Disgusting!" Ji-Han covered his eyes

"Please— I'm gonna vomit!" Hiro fell back onto the bed holding his stomach.

"I think it's sweet." Rose cooed

"Me too, keep on loving each other, for the love of god, PLEASE." Taeyong stressed

"We just got the family back for the most part so y'all need to behave. Then Misa and Sula can witness this too." Zin grinned

For a while the conversations were light and comforting. Full of laughs and decisions on who was going to heat up dinner since they'd stayed upstairs longer than they meant to.

After deciding that Jungkook and Namjoon would help Hoseok down the stairs, they all made their way to the large living room, choosing to watch movies while they eat.

Once they'd gotten comfortable some had gone to gather the food while some had taken up their spots around the living room.

Sera was about to get blankets when she heard a faint knock. Thought she was the only who heard it before Jin, Jimin, and Yoongi had joined her side.

Yoongi passed her a pistol as they neared the door with their guns cocked. The knock sounded again. Motioning Jimin to opened the door, the other three stood on guard.

When he swung the door open, all of them had to will themselves not to shoot.

Yoongi readjusted gripped on the gun, "Kook," he shouted, "It's for you."

The Girl Within || OT7Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang