Twenty Three

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The cool toned lights shined above them as they watched the final testing of the gas. Ja-Won sat in a chair by the wall and played with a pen between his fingers, Jungsu stood near the glass with his arms folded, his peppered short-hair slick back; Ji-Han sat beside Ja-Won, rubbing his thighs as he watched and Jonghyun stood near the glass but away from Jungsu.

Each man watched intently but with different emotions. Jungsu, excited—Ji-Han, worried—Jonghyun, absent—and Ja-Won, annoyed. He hadn't heard back from his worker and Jungsu's mindset was starting to worry him.

"They're about to release it—"

"Ahhh, Jungsu please—these women are innocent—"

"Innocent? Nothing they've done this entire trip has been innocent. I've given them drugs, we've all played with them a fair amount—" Jungsu glanced around at the men, "Oh...well Ja-Won and I have. They're whores, nothing more. They probably want death more than anything." He finished before talking on the glass

At this motion, the scientist tightened their gas masks and released the gas. It was a slow burn; the woman began chocking, tears pouring from their eyes before they all abruptly stood from their seats and began beating the fuck out of each other.

Which one woman wash bashing another's face into the corner of a chair, then other had taken another's fingers and broken them before bashing her head into the floor. There was blood flying everywhere, the scientists had fled long ago as the four men watched the women kill each other.

It was endless, they kept getting back up
even with the broken bones and ruptures that they had gained. It wasn't until the last woman was left that Jungsu spoke.

"This is remarkable!" He exclaimed, "And all 15 of them will fight....this is amazing."

As Jonghyun was going to protest, the last woman caught her own reflection and yelled before snapping her own neck.

The room was silent, Ja-Won was on his phone, urging for his inside man to grab his daughter tonight and Jungsu continued to smile excitedly.

"All of our problems are solved. Every military branch from all over the world will be wanting this gas. I have to get to marketing immediately. We're moving the time up! Ja-Won, have rose moved earlier. I'm sending them in tonight!"

"To—Tonight?!" Ji-Han said shocked, "It's 3am!"

"Which is why we have to be quick!" Jungsu said as he stormed out

Ja-Won wasn't far behind while Jonghyun and Ji-Han only stared at each other.

"We can't..." Ji-Han mouthed

"We have to." Jonghyun replied


Hiro rushed into his fathers room, Yoongi jumped to a seated position is his bed, his sleep mask still adorned his face.

"What?! Who is it?! Who goes there?!"

"Dad! Dad it's me!" Hiro whisper yelled

"I'll slap your damn face off! Get away from me!"

"Dad!" Hiro said, slapping his father the second he got close enough to

"Yah!" Yoongi chirped, "What?!" He said as he whipped the mask from his face. "Hiro?" He said confusedly

"Read this—look at this!" Hiro whispered

Yoongi turned on his side lamp and groggily rolled his eyes before squinting and pursing his lips as he grabbed the book.

"Mm...What am I reading?"

"Wake up dad, this is serious—"

"Wake up, you say wake up. Hiro it is 3am. Why do I have to wake up. Boy doesn't know what he's talking about. Talking about some wake up." Yoongi mutters as he glared at the book.

The Girl Within || OT7जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें