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Somewhere in Florence, Italy, a woman with long, blonde hair that's tied into a bun at the back of her head, is walking into a building.

It's quiet, midday and everyone splits into two lines as they allow her to make her way.

She's confident, fierce and demands attention from all of those around her. It's been this way since she rose to power.

Alongside her is her daughter, the young child just as confident as she is. They walk hand in hand, the child being much shorter than the mother.


The woman raises her hand to stop the secretary from speaking. She points to the elevator and someone hurriedly presses the button.

She enters the elevator with her child and waits for it to close. When it finally does, she releases a long breath, her child doing the same.

"I hate that." The girl says

"Me too." The woman replies

"Everyone looks so scared of us."

"Not scared—"

"They're scared mom, and it's all because of daddy." She huffs

The woman laughs, "Daddy's scary?"

"Not to me.. he treats me like a daddy should, but he is to everyone else and sometimes I think he even scares you."

"Mm? You think?"

The child nods before the ding is heard. The elevator opens and as if routine, the two ladies walk through the hallway as workers steer clear from the two before ending up at the meeting room located at the end of the hall.

"Ah and speaking of the devils, here they are."

"Mm, you must be Elena and Rose, yes?"

The woman smiles and shakes the man's hand before gesturing for her child to do the same.

"Mm, Ja-won when you said they were gorgeous I thought you were exaggerating." He chuckles

The woman can't help but to grimace lightly at the way the man eyed her. As carefully as she could, she pushed the child behind her.

"My dear Elena is who will be accompanying you."

"Well I can't wait." He slithers out, leaving an uneasy feeling within the woman's stomach.

"We'll speak soon." The man says

"Mm." Ja-won replies

The three watch as the man exits before the woman glares at Ja-won.


"Rosie, go into my office for me? Mom and I will be in shortly."

Reluctant to leave her mother, she only does so when she receives a bit of reassurance from her mother.

Once she's fully gone, Ja-won motions for the woman to sit and she does.


"I told you not to call me that in private." She says

He chuckles darkly, "And I told you that your new life has a new identity. So Elena is what I will call you."

"I won't answer."

"Stop being stubborn."

"Stop being an ass."



"Elena..." Ja-won says as he glares at the woman

She glares back.

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