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After their small meeting, Sera asked for one of their house workers to assist Taeyong to his room. She informed them that she wanted him to be close to her room just as Rosie was.

And as always the workers quickly did as Sera asked, not because they felt they had to but because Sera treated them like people, unlike Ja-Won so they didn't mind doing things for her.

Automatically Rose followed after them, Sera could see how excited Rose was, seeing as she's been alone for her entire 9 years of life.

She only hopes Taeyong didn't mind her.

She smiled at the thought of her son but then she frowned thinking about how she had missed out on his life and the others. She loves Rose, and although she hates her father, she wouldn't take Rose back for anything. She is her daughter and the love of her life along with her other children. But, she wishes that things could've been different.

She shakes her head, removing the thoughts as she opens the office door. There Ja-Won was just ending a phone call.

He smiles happily to himself before standing from his desk and prancing over to her.

"Good job my love, Jungsu is happy, Gionvanti is happy and I'm happy. More money, more area, and more trips in our future." He chuckles as he kisses her cheek, Sera allows him to do so.

"I have news." She says plainly

"Oh? News of what?" He grins as he takes a step back from her.

"I brought Taeyong back." She eyes his steadily

Ja-Won's smile falls, "You did what?"

"I was cornered by him, Taehyung, Namjoon and Hiro. I made a decision and asked him to come with me and he did. Willingly. He won't cause any issues."

"You stupid bitch! I should split you where you stand—"

"For doing what Ja-Won? Bringing my son home—"

"He's not your son! You don't have a son! You have Rose—"

"I have eight children Ja-Won whether you count the other seven or not. I said he won't be an issue so let it go." She says strongly

Ja-Win darkly laughs, "Our contract—"

"Our contract states that I can't leave. And I haven't. I am here with you and Rose doing my job as First Lady." She seethes, "You can't hurt Jungkook or Misa or even the others because I have not voided your precious contract."

Ja-Won regretfully nods and sighs, "Fine. Jungsu will be hearing about this."

"I'm sure." Sera says before exiting the office.


"What kind of dolls do you like?" Rose asks

"I don't really like dolls." Taeyong says as he unpacks

"I like Barbie's and trucks but daddy only lets me play with Barbie's." She pouts

"Oh yeah? What's your daddies name?"

"Park Ja-Won." She says and Taeyong's shoulders tensed.

He should've known that. But still, knowing he was here... with that man again made his heart want to stop.

"He's an awful guy... really mean." She says softly, "Not to me but to mommy and others."

Taeyong smiles and turns from his unpacking to go and sit beside her, "Well now your big brother is here and he'll not only protect you but he'll let you play with whatever you want." He says

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