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When Sera awoke she found herself in her bed with Rose tucked tightly into her side. To her left was Namjoon, who hadn't left her bedside since he brought her upstairs.

He was leaned lazily in the comfy chair, his neck rolled to the side as he was asleep in the seat.

She rubbed her eyes and stretched, trying to get the kinks out of her body. Rose moved slightly but rolled over and snuggled back into the blankets. With this new freedom, Sera slid from the covers and stood slowly from her bed.

She glanced back at Namjoon, who'd still been sleeping. Inching closer to him, she squatted and tapped his hand. He shuffled a bit in his sleep so she tapped again until he finally stirred awake.

With one eye open he stretched,

"I'm awake now...How long was I out?" Sera asked softly

He yawned while stretching, "About five hours." He rubbed his eyes and exhaled a deep breath.

"And Hobi?" She nervously asked,

"Stable...Still resting." He answered.

Sera nodded her head happily, "Did you speak to him?"

"No...Jin's not letting anyone see him. Jungkook carried him to his room and between Jin and Jungkook's guarding...No one's able to get in there.... They're just not wanting anyone to intervene with his rest..." he sadly said, "But I'd kill to see him..."

Sera smiled sadly before she tapped the man's thighs and stood up, "Go to Loona...I'm gonna go check in with Jimin and Yoongi...Make sure that they're alright."

"Jimin's gone shopping for this place with Jungkook and Taehyung... So he won't be back till later..."

"Then I'll talk to Yoongi. Either way, fix this with our daughter.... And then get some rest, okay?"

Through pouty lips Namjoon agreed, "Okay..."

Sera smiled as she helped him to his feet. The two of them exiting her room and then descending down opposite halls.

Sera turned a corner, heading down the stairs and arriving in the living room. She walked around for a while, exiting the living room and walking through the halls until noticing the flickering of a light in the backyard.

She opened the sliding door and stepped outside, closing it back behind her. As she stepped on the grass she noticed the familiar outline of the figure who stared at the fire.

"Whatcha doing, fire starter?" Sera spoke softly as she came to a stop, the wind blowing softly through her hair.

Yoongi didn't speak; he only held his hand out. Sera placed her hand in his and allowed him to gently pull her into his lap.

She sat comfortably and he tightly wrapped his arms around her waist though his eyes never left the fire.

"How are you?" She asked softly

He sipped from his cold beer and chuckled, "How am I?" He sighed, sipping once again, "I watched him die."

Sera watched the fire with him, slowly shaking her head, "No... He's resting—"

"No..." Yoongi softly gasped, "No Sera, you weren't there." He sniffled, "I heard his last breath...His last words... He told me he was tired and..." he wiped his eyes with his sleeve before downing the rest of his beer.

She turned slightly in his hold, wrapping her arms around him and holding him close as he began to cry and grab at her to keep her close to him.

"I can't do this...I can't watch any of you do this shit." He blubbered, "I can't lose the only family I've ever had—"

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