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Misa woke up to a weird feeling, she wasn't sure what was so off but it was definitely something.

Sula was sleep beside her and at some point Loona had come to join them, sleeping beside Sula. She smiled at her sisters who slept comfortably.

She got out of her bed slowly, careful not to wake the others before making her way out of the room.

She did her morning routine in the bathroom and finished before walking downstairs.

Something felt empty, she had heard Taeyong and Hiro leave last night, she had also heard Tae abeoji and Joon abeoji leave as well. She heard three sets of footsteps return, so who didn't come back?"

She walked around the downstairs area, starting in the kitchen and then branching off into the living room and dining room, but nothing. The house was quiet as a mouse.

"Hello?" She said softly, "Anyone home?"

But nothing, no reply.

Suddenly a knock was heard on their front door.

She quickly went to open it and smiled at the person in front of her.

"Da-Eunie!" She said excitedly

"How's my favorite niece?" Da-Eun said with a smiled as the two found themselves in a tender hug.

"Yah don't call me that! We're the same age, you make it weird." She laughed

"Shush. Where's my brother?" Da-eun wonders

"I'm not sure. I woke up and the house was seemingly empty. Loona and Sula are slumped upstairs."

"Hmm... well then I guess it's up to you to welcoming me."

"I guess so, which is good because I have news. Want to get breakfast?" Misa asks

"I'd love to." Da-eun says as she linked arms with Misa and left the house.


Hiro sat on the side of his bed; he hadn't slept for the entire night, worried for what has become of Taeyong. The young man didn't leave his phone with them but his location had been turned off.

All Hiro knows is that his brother left him, for whatever his reasons may be, and that they were headed for Italy.

Italy of all places.

He should have gone with his brother, he should have stuck by his side. But he also felt Taeyong was selfish. Leaving Hiro to deal with all of this on his own.

"Knock knock?"

Hiro glanced from the floor to his bedroom door.

"Go away." He muttered

"I'd prefer not to."

Zin entered the room and smiled sadly as his brother. He closed the door behind himself and went to stand in front of Hiro.

"Tell me what's wrong." Zin demands

"Nothing," he spoke as he glared at the floor once more.

"I know you're lying. That septuplet thing that we always feel is tingling pretty hard. I know something is wrong Ro and I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Tae."

Hiro's eyes widened in shock as he lifted his head to meet his brothers.

"So I'm right..."

"Tae left, that's it and that's all."

"I don't believe it. I think that something back fired on one of your missions—"

"How do you know about the missions?"

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