Twenty Nine

171 16 4

A few days had passed—Zin was on his way, late at night back to the mansion. He was sure his parents wouldn't catch him or his brothers on what they were up to. He'd messily made his way back and got a close to the home as he could.

Perfect timing too, he'd just arrived at the burnt down home. "Damn dads...this is nuts." He said with a chuckle before he climbed up the nearest tree. From his position he could see a few men poking around in dark clothing and masks.

"Nico! Over here, found something!"

Zin watched a tall man with brown hair and fair skin walk smugly over to the other. They seemed to pick up a crisped head. It looked just like.... "Mom?" He was confused, he'd just seen you at home so how could this happen?

The men chuckled with great joy as they found this. "Well our work is over. I can ask Wes if he wants this shipped to Jamaica but with the confirmation of their death...we'll all be back in Korea soon enough." Nico said, pulling out his phone and calling a number.

"Hello? Yes...We've found bodies...what do you want us to do? Burn it? It's already—again?...I mean.... Alright. Where should we follow?" Nico chuckled, "I have missed home. We'll see you there. Also, I'd like to place my earnings on the girls...I think we both know I'm the highest paid amongst them. This is what I want. Thanks..." he ended the call and sighed happily, "Wrap it up. We're blowing it up again then going home. However this happened was piss poor anyway or we never would've found bodies." Nico said as he made his way back to their vehicle.

Zin dropped from the trees and rushed home. His legs carrying him as he ran through the woods. Out of breath and scratched up from stray twigs, he eventually made it to the house. He climbed up the back of it and into his brothers room.

Quietly closing the window he turned around and froze. The lights flickered on and he stood in front of his dad and Ji-Han.

Zin glared at his brothers, "You snitch!"

"I didn't snitch! I told you guys we shouldn't do it. They clocked on to it themselves." Ji-Han pouted

"Downstairs, both of you, now." Jimin said before exiting and storming down the stairs.

Zin smacked Ji-Han's arm before he walked out and Ji-Han whined, "It's not my fault..." he whimpered as he followed his brother.

They arrived downstairs, Sera no where to be found. Jimin sat between Namjoon and Hoseok. Hiro and Taeyong sat on the floor with their heads down and their other fathers lazed about either on the other couches or nearby.

"Where's mommy?" Zin wondered, scared because without her protection they were going to rip them a new one.

"We didn't even get pass day one because of, big mouth!" Hiro muttered loudly

"I didn't tell! Stop blaming me!" Ji-Han defended

"It's true. Your brother didn't tell," Jungkook began, "But you sent the least sneaky of all the kids to go a scout for you. We could be in serious danger of them finding this secret house."

Zin scoffed, "I'm bad a sneaky when it comes to you. Not with other things."

"It's true. We can't get around you guys because you know us...those who don't know us don't know what to look for. Zin did good." Taeyong defended his brother

"Thank you." Zin said happily

"Wow. Came to that conclusion yet didn't think we'd figure out that you were trying to go all mission impossible by yourselves?" Taehyung added

"You guys want to be treated like adults but then act like this. That's ridiculous and stupid." Namjoon announced

"Not to mention irresponsible. Not just your lives are on the table!" Hoseok said, annoyed

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