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Sera paced back and forth in her bedroom. She had showered and brushed her hair, Rose was asleep in her California king bed and Taeyong slept right beside her.

Occasionally she would glance at her children but her mind was racing. She said to herself multiple times that they were here for two weeks. So why was she so adamant in her mind to talk to everyone now?

She played with her fingers, contemplating different scenarios to explain herself without out right saying she had to sell her body to make sure they'd all stay alive.

As she thought long and hard, a small knock was heard at her door.

She was confused, she was positive that no one was interested in talking to her just yet so who was at the door?

She glanced at Taeyong and Rose one last time before lifting her long silk night gown and walk to the bedroom door.

She opened one side of the double doors and smiled, "Misa?" She whispered, "What's up baby?"

"H—Hey mom...can I...can we talk?" She stuttered

Sera glanced into her bedroom and back at Misa, "Well, Taeyong and Rose are asleep right now but you're more than welcome to come sit on the balcony with me."

Misa smiled slightly and nodded her head. Sera opened the door to allow Misa to enter. She pointed towards her balcony and ushered for Misa to walk to it.

It was a beautiful balcony. Marble pillars and white marble flooring, a long cream colored sectional sat in the middle with a bar to the right of it.

Misa glanced at Taeyong and Rose and frowned for only a moment before she walked out into the balcony. She walked around the couch and laid on the longer part of the sectional.

Not long after, Sera followed closing the balcony's glass doors and handing Misa a blanket. She walked over the bar and began heating up hot chocolate. Misa watched the stars until she heard the microwave beep.

Then, Sera carried two mugs, one for herself and one for Misa. She handed Misa her before sitting beside her. She places her mug in the table, wrapped herself in her own blanket and then picked the mug back up.

It was awkward, they could hear the crickets and the low roar of the city. The balcony, although giving a great view of the city was overtop a small river. Misa spotted a small brown boat with a lit candle on the end. A man sat in the middle, allowing the small pushes of water move him slowly as he played a small tune on his guitar.

Sera sighed happily,

"What's the song mom?" Misa asked

"Mm?" Sera hummed

"The song...that man is playing.."

"Oh...well that's Remember's a lullaby...a very beautiful one." She said softly

"Do you know the words?" Misa asked

Sera chuckled, "Of course, everyone knows the words."

Misa nodded her head, "Could you sing it?"

Sera grinned, "Whaaaat? Me? Oh voice is not that good."

"I didn't ask for it to be. You used to sing to us all the time...will you sing it? Please?"

Sera thought for a moment before finally giving in... "Okay...come here," she placed her hot chocolate on the table along with Misa's. She ushered for Misa to come close, which the girl did, laying her head on her mothers shoulder. Sera wrapped her arms around her and began to sing along with the guitar.

"Remember me though I have to say goodbye, Remember me, don't let it make you cry.

For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart, I sing a secret song to you each night we are apart.

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